𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐚-𝐆𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐊𝐞𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐬🌞

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Y/n stared at herself in the mirror. Tonight was a girls' night. She had been planning this night for the past couple of weeks. Before going out to the club, she had stopped by her boyfriend's flat. Y/n had a bit of time on her hands before she needed to go, so why not spend some time with George?

She had admired herself in the mirror, something was missing. Her outfit looked alright, it was quite casual but did make her feel gorgeous. Her outfit had touches of black and white, wearing colors as simple as these had always complimented her figure. That's when she realized exactly what she had been missing.

Opening the bathroom door, Y/n listened for a moment. There was no sign anyone was walking down the hall. Quickly, she hurried into George's bedroom, glancing around. As soon as she spotted the item, she picked it up, shoving it into the pocket of her jeans.

"Hey Y/n, it's 8:30. You want me to walk you down to the lobby?"

"Yeah, sure." Turning on her heels, Y/n looked at George. He was standing in the doorway, hopefully he hadn't noticed Y/n stuffing on of his belongings into her pocket.

The elevator ride down was normal. George sometimes stealing kisses from Y/n. Him muttering softly that if any prick made her uncomfortable she just needed to call him and he'd be there. But as soon as Y/n got into her Uber, she smiled to herself, pulling the item out of her pocket.

"I don't know where it is!"

"Maybe you misplaced it?"

For the past fifteen minutes, George had been walking around his flat. He needed to film an eboys video, they had been planning to film tonight. It was going to be a much more chill and relaxed video. Lately they had been going hard on videos, so why not film a video in their room?

"I don't know, maybe we're just gonna have to film later this week or maybe we won't post this week," Will sighed leaning back in his chair as he watched the Discord call on his computer. The boys were on a call together, waiting for George to find the last part of his disguise.

"No, no, no... I know it's here. I always have it placed out somewhere obvious," George groaned, shutting a drawer on his nightstand.

Letting out a groan, Will tossed himself back in his chair. "Can't we just blur your face out for the entire video?"

As they had waited, Alex found himself going through Instagram. One by one, Instagram stories had played, but it seemed like perfect timing for Alex to notice something on his social media.

Y/n's Instagram story had popped up, she had shared a photo of herself with a couple of friends. Everything seemed normal, she was at a club with a couple of her friends. But there was one thing that stuck out to Alex in the video, Y/n had a white bandana wrapped around her head for a headband.

Alex couldn't help but let out a small giggle from the photo. It made perfect sense that Y/n would do something like steal George's bandana. Just as Will had gone to ask Alex why he was such a giggling mess, Alex had decided to share the screenshot in the Discord group chat.

After a few moments of George continuing to look for his bandana, he gave up, returning to his desk. He'd just had to have his camera off for this week's video. While putting on his headphones, he had noticed Alex's message.

He wasn't surprised by the sight of Y/n. George should've known as soon as he couldn't find the bandana. She had just so happened to sneak into his room earlier. But a part of him felt a bit happy to see Y/n wearing the bandana, it just made him feel a bit special.

Any other night he would care less about Y/n stealing his bandana. But tonight was filming night, he needed it. George wasn't really upset with Y/n, he knew that she didn't know about his plans to film tonight. The blue-eyed boy knew that if she knew about his plans, Y/n wouldn't have taken the bandana.

"Alright," George leaned back in his chair with a sigh. "I guess we'll just have to film later tomorrow if that's alright with you guys."

"Yeah, I think I'm free tomorrow," James replied.

"So I'll stop by Y/n's tomorrow to get my bandana back then we'll film tomorrow."

"Why not just turn off your camera, George?" Alex spoke up, still scrolling through social media.

"I don't know, I just don't think it would have the same feel as other videos. I think fans would get a bit upset over it as well," George turned back and forth in his seat as he answered Alex's question.

"Anyways, I'll talk to you lot tomorrow, I'll be getting off the call now," said Will before he had disconnected from the call.

"Yeah, alright. I'm gonna go text Y/n." George had found himself disconnecting from the call as well, leaving him to take his headphones off and pick up his phone. Right away, he had gone to text Y/n.

He found himself typing; 'I know you have my bandana.'

Only to delete it all and type up; 'How are you love? Everything going right?'

George felt like he would seem to be picking a fight if he had gone with his first text. Right now Y/n probably wasn't completely sober, so saying something like that could upset her. He had always hated fighting with Y/n, it made him feel terrible.

As it became late, George found himself lying in bed, scrolling through Instagram on his Memeulous account. Just then, a photo of Y/n with one of her friends had popped up on his feed. Y/n had posted it 20 minutes ago, captioned 'fun night.' The comments had been filled with people tagging George, pointing out the white bandana Y/n wore.

If Y/n was posting photos on Instagram, she probably had left George on read. And instead of sitting there and letting anxiety bubble up inside of him, he had decided to do something completely different, he called her. After three or four rings, Y/n had finally picked up.

"Hey, G."

"Hey, N/n. How is everything going?"

"Oh, it's alright. I just got home about 40 minutes ago. How is everything going back at your place?"

"It's the same old same old, except for one thing," George couldn't help but feel himself smile a little. "Tonight was filming night for the Eboys channel, and I couldn't find my bandana."

"Oh really?"

"And Alex had pointed out in one of your Instagram stories you were wearing a white bandana."


"Found it quite amusing, really."

"I'm sorry, Georgie. if I knew it was filming night for you, I would've never taken it." Y/n spoke softly, it was obvious she was tried.

"It's fine, Y/n. I'll stop by tomorrow to pick it up. But there's one little thing I got to ask you."

"What is it, love?"

"Next time you wanna steal something from me, will you please just ask? I love you, I'm fine with you using some of my belongings but sometimes I need them."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, G. That was a dumb mistake on my part."

"Y/n, it's alright. Go get some sleep, it's clear your tired," George rolled over to his side as he spoke to Y/n. She could hear in the background the squeaking of his bed.

"You go to sleep too, Georgie. I love you."

"I love you too."

As soon as the call ended, George had decided to go onto Twitter one more time before going to bed. Ging onto his Memeulous account, he had put out one more tweet.

'@y/nl/n this is war for stealing my bandana.'

Placing his phone back down on his nightstand, George closed his eyes. For a few moments, there was silence. Only for his phone to make a brief sound, telling him he had a new notification. With a short groan, he picked his phone up, reading the notification.

'@Memeulous if this is war, I'm stealing every single belonging until you're stuck with nothing.'

George couldn't help but grin from Y/n's tweet. It was cute, almost as cute as Y/n.

WC: 1.4k+ 

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