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Y/n wasn't doing well. Lately, her anxiety had been getting to her easier. She hadn't been sticking to her usual schedule of uploading videos onto YouTube. She had lost her motivation for filming, it had become harder to find content to make videos on. Everything that Y/n would produce for her channel would come out wrong (at least through her eyes).

Filming wasn't the only thing Y/n had been struggling with. She had become so much more self-conscious lately about herself. Every day, her mind spewed thoughts telling her she was too fat, she didn't deserve her boyfriend, she didn't even deserve her friends.

Today was like any other day for Y/n, hiding away in her home and avoiding social media. It was almost noon, she hadn't even bothered to change out of her pajamas. The h/c girl sat in her living room, Breaking Bad played on the TV. She was trying to find some way to distract her from herself.

As Anna Gunn's character came onto screen, Y/n's phone begun to buzz, pulling her attention away from the TV. Y/n had been avoiding calls, most of the time she felt uncomfortable talking to her friends and family? Why? She was feeling low. Usually, she was a social butterfly, but that had all taken a turn recently. Hesitantly, the h/c girl picked up the phone. The name Alex flashed across her screen.

Alex was the one person she could talk to. He had always been able to make her relax. But of course, Y/n had been avoiding him. A feeling of unworthiness washed over her every time she thought of him recently. If Y/n went on any longer without talking to him, he would figure out something wrong was going on. She'd have to pick up this call.

"Hey Alex," she spoke in a gentle tone. Her mind was already racing with thoughts without having to hear him speak. 'He knows you don't deserve him! He's going to break up with you finally!'

"Hey, Y/n. I was wondering what we were planning to do next week for date night?"

Date night. It felt like forever since Y/n and Alex had a date night. Just the thought of having a date with Alex felt... off. Of course, she adored Alex, but being lucky enough to be in a relationship with him... how did she end up with him? He's just too perfect for her.

"I don't really know... it's up to you, bubba," Y/n responded, sitting up straight. She had been slouching for enough time to the point her back had started to ache.

"Y/n, are you alright? Your voice is shaking, are you scared?"

"What? I'm fine," she was quick to respond, Y/n tried to put a bit more 'umph' into her voice as she spoke. If Alex knew how she had been feeling lately, he might get upset over it. Making Alex upset was the last thing she wanted to do.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine, Al," Y/n hummed. "Trust me, I am."

"Alright... anyways, try and think of something to do next week."

"Okay, I will."

With that, Y/n hung up. 'Why didn't he break up with me? Is he planning to do that on date night? Maybe he wants me to break it off...'

Alex could tell something was wrong. Y/n seemed so anxious, what was going on? Maybe he was just overreacting.

"Alex, what's wrong? You look nervous," Alex's roommate entered the kitchen where Alex had been putting a snack together for himself.

"I'm fine, George. I'm just worried about Y/n, something weird is going on with her," Alex sighed, shoving his phone into his back pocket as he turned to face his friend.

"What's going on?"

"I was on the phone with her a minute ago and she seemed... scared? Her voice was shaking, and when I asked her about it she tried to hide it from me," the brunette shook his head.

𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora