Into consideration (J.A) ⚠️

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Jack's eyes were glued to the hospital floor, staring at the dull, scratched up, old, tiled floor.

His back kind of aching from slouching for 30-40 minutes straight. His skin around his nails hurting from him biting his nails, making them raw. His mind having so many thoughts trying to process at once. His foot tapping the tile floor. His hair a mess from him pulling at it earlier. He was a mess.

He knew the feeling in the pit of his stomach was that feeling of guilt. He blames himself.

He should of just been there for you.

He should of seen the signs.

You were broken, he now sees it.

He should of saw it before it came to this.

Why didn't he tell you- no. He's not going to turn this on you. He knows you're closed off. He knows you don't open up.
Trust issues. He can't blame you.

Why didn't he hold you as close as he wants to now?

Jack zoned all the commotion of the busy hospital out. The beeping, talking, and whining.

He just wanted to focus on his girl. The girl that made him happy, but was just was breaking doing so.

It's so clear.

Jack got brought out of his thoughts by the doors opening and his 4 bestfriends coming running in.

They broke into a fast walk to jack in the waiting room.

"Hey" Daniel said sitting next to the saddened boy, putting a hand on his slumped shoulder. 

There was a very quiet, broken, hoarse "hey" heard from Jack.

The other boys sat down near them.

10 minutes go bye of pure silence.

"Y/n y/l/n? Anyone?"

Jack stood and walked to the doctor.

Jack nodded for the doctor to continue, not trusting his own voice.

"She's fine. Well, she is very weak, but she's alive. She was Lucky, the cuts were very deep, she lost alot of blood. And the pills she took were an issue at first. She might be sleepy. She's in room 177 if you want to see her."

Jack nodded again.

The doctor took jack and the rest of the boys to the room.

"Here we are" the doctor nodded again, then left.

Jack opened the door to see the love of his life hooked up to tubes, needles, and other stuff. 

He about started bawling on the spot.

You looked so pale.
Your wrists bandaged up. 
Bags under your eyes.
You looked sick.

When you made eye contact with him, he lost it. Crying freely.

He walked over to you, sitting beside you.

As you watched him cry, you felt tear brimming your eyes.

You looked down and started to fiddle with your fingers.

Jack tool ahold of one of your hands, making sure not to hurt you further.

You let him cry, let a couple tears fall of your own.

After he kind of got his self together, he kissed your hand almost like it would fall apart in his hands. 

He didn't want to hurt you further than you've already hurt yourself. 

After a couple minutes of silence, Jack started talking just above a whisper.

"You know I'm here for you, right?"

You head fell, you couldn't look him in the eye.

He gently moved your chin so you're looking at him.

"Y/n, please. I love you with all my heart. I will always be here for you. You can always talk to me. Always."

You lightly scoffed.

"Jack, it's not that I don't know you're here for me. I know that. But that has nothing to do with the reason I did what I did. I did it because I didn't want to live anymore."

Babe...but you would've left me. Left your family, your friends, fans, the boys, you would've left everyone."

You looked down again.

Just slightly audible, you whispered; "Maybe that was the point.."

Jack looked almost like you just shattered his heart with a hammer.

"You don't mean that-"

"What makes you think I don't?? I didn't just try to kill myself for no reason. My family hate me. They think I could've done something better with my life than being a shitty youtuber. My friends? Really? My friends are all fake as hell. My "fans"? They seem like they hate my guts since Gabbie posted that shit about me. The boys? They seem like they hate me also. Everytime I walk into a room, they get up and leave. Everytime I go outside or go anywhere, I feel like I'm constantly getting judged. I have to keep up with the "beauty standards" to stay relevent. I'm constantly getting judged on the internet for being "over weight","too short", "too tall", "not good enough", ect. Maybe I wanted to leave this shit hole of what we call "earth". Maybe I didn't want to be called worthless another second. But obviously you didn't take that into consideration, did you?!"

"Jack had more tears welling up in his eyes.

The door slightly made a sound, which seemed like the only sound in the whole hospital. Y/n seemed to be louder then she meant to be.

The boys stood at the door, not moving nor saying anything.

Y/n quickly pulled the needles and tubes away from and out of her body, stood, making sure to take the sheet with her, and ran to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door.

As she slid down the door, the tears started pouring.

It's not like she meant to be this broken.

946 words
October, 18th 2020
A/n: sad☹️😭 IM SORRY IF YOU LIKE GABBIE!!!  Um yeah....bye

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