I hope *Zach Herron* ♪

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* play music*

*Your POV*
I can't believe him. He said he loved me, but turned around and kissed her behind my back. I don't know how to feel right now, mad, sad, or something different?!?!!? He said i was his everything but it turns out I was nothing. He cheated and he thinks we can just sweep that under the rug and live happily ever after! Then when I find out he wants us to take a break because he didn't feel the same, but said he was drunk when he said that. I am done with the lies, I am done being used, I am done feeling like I am the only one on this planet that is still loyal! I walked in on him and my best friend having sex and they think I want to see them, well they have to be stupid to think that-but I mean they lost me so they have to be stupid!

*5 Months later*
It has been 5 months since i walled in on Zach and
y/ex/bff/n,I felt empty but now I just have one song for him. I really miss him but I suppose we weren't meant for each other. But its not like 2 1/2 years of my life was wasted, we made great memories. Even if they didn't mean anything to him they meant everything to me. I just want the best for them, not really I want them to not work. Is that bad? Yes ok, but like they did that to me, they broke me!!!!!! But I kinda am over them, I mean I have been seeing this guy but he kinda acts like Zach too much. It probably won't work so we can be friends but idk what I am gonna do. I haven't talked to any of the boys I'm too scared to. I have 17 missed calls from Daniel, 19 missed calls from Jack, 25 missed calls from Corbyn, 39 missed calls from Jonah, 3 missed calls from Zach. I'm getting tired of them calling but I wanna run back to Zach but i know he doesn't have open arms that I can run into. Its hard especially since everybody know, fans, family, friends, other people that I don't know but Zach does. I was about to yell at this old women today but I kept my chill. I just hope she makes him happy. But I also hope she cheats, she he can feel the same way that I feel about hum right now!
*end song*

*2 years later*
I was nervous, very very nervous. I was about to see him, i was about to see the love of my life. I was getting the last of my makeup done by James Charles, my dearest friend.' I am so scared omg omg OK calm down y/n you got this' you kept telling yourself. Your dad came into the room and almost passed out.
Dad:wow.... You look amazing honey.
He started tearing up
You:dad don't cry please cause if you cry I cry and if I cry James will kill me for messing up this fabulous makeup.
James:you damned right I will.
Y'all giggled.
Dad: you ready?
You:yeah I think so, are you?
Dad:no not really, i don't want my baby girl to grow up jeeze I didn't want you to grow anymore then 7 but here we are and I'm proud of you, you have come so far and this is just another stop on your way to happiness and this is a really important one so take it all in while you can, ok?
You:wow, ok dad.
You took your dad's arm and he led you to the doors that your soon to be husband is and you we're nervous but also just wanted to see how cute he looked in his suit. Your dad looked at you for permission to go ahead and let them open the doors, you nodded while smiling. They started the music and they opened the doors, u finally saw him, the guy you're gonna live the rest of you life with, start a family with, grow old with. He looked so hot it almost gave you sunburnt.(LOL)
Y'all finally got to the end of the isle. Everyone looked like they were crying. Your dad gave you away he didn't want to though it took a few minutes to but he finally did. He sat down beside you mom, which was crying her eyes out. It started and about 10 minutes later the priest said the thing you've been waiting to hear ever since you got here,
Priest: I now pronounce you Mrs. and Mr. MARAIS, you may kiss your bride.
Everyone cheered while you and Jonah kissed like there was no tomorrow. When y'all pulled apart y'all had the widest smile ever on halls faces. You were so happy.

So I'm pretty sure y'all are like "whaaaaaatttt" so here it goes, 2 years ago I was at a bad time in my life you know with Zach and that but i also got a lot of hate from "fans" and from family too but it was too much so i went to the place that Zach and I had out first date at and it was a tall buildings roof. You were so ready to go. You had every thing ready to go, but you saw people gathered at the bottom of the building. Soon plenty of people we're down there people having their phones out, "why are they recording instead of trying to help me!?!? "you thought. Soon the wdw Jeep pulled up but they didn't know it was you until they got a closer look.
Jonah: OMG y/n please come down!!!!!
Daniel: OMG, please get down, we can talk about this y/n!!!!!
Jack and zach were shocked, corbyn was trying to get ahold of Christina and Gabbie, they answered corbyn told them what was happening. They rushed there in like 25 seconds. You were so ready to jump, after all it was just one jump and u would not have to deal with the pain of life and the pain people cause u. You closed you eyes for a good 10 minutes, but u didn't know that Jonah and Daniel were on their way running the fastest they have ever ran. Once you opened your eyes you were sure u were gonna jump but as soon as you moved the feet you felt arms around you, holding you like you were gonna die. (because you were) You started crying so hard, the other person did too, you didn't know who it was but really didn't care tbh. u felt another pair of arms around u, then another, then another, then another, then 2 more. Everyone was crying their eyes out by now. After about a hour you stopped crying, you looked up to see the boys and Gabbie and Christina. You started crying again. This time everyone leaving you with only Jonah because he was hugging you.
Jonah:y/n, please never do that ever again you almost gave me a heart attack.
You nod
Yall sat in silence for 5 minutes until he said something else.
Jonah:y/n, i-i know all that just happened but.... I uh have to tell you s-something.......
You looked at him and nodded you head for him to continue.
Jonah: i uh like you..... I have ever since you started dating Zach, and he doesn't deserve you for what he did and im so so sorry for what he did, he was so stupid to do something like that to a girl as pretty caring, selfless, smart, and independent as u. I don't like you because i... Love u and i know i do because just look at you how am i not sup-
U cut him off with a very long and with such passion and love. Yall pulled apart, and look into each other's eyes and he asked u a question any girl would be so happy for him to ask them,
Jonah: y/n,will u be my girl-l frie-end?.........
You:Yes i would be honored to!
And that how u just Married Jonah Marais!

And yall live happily ever after!!!

//ok hear me out, I'm sleepy like really really sleepy and have no brain cell left so sorry idk what i just wrote bye bye bishes tootles!!!!!!//

~I am in LOVE with this song LOL~

I hope you enjoyed this

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