Sorry (D.S)

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"Hey guys! It's Daniel here. As you can tell, I'm using Y/n's camera. Today I'm going to prank her. But to do that I have her best friend Sadie.(sorry if your name is Sadie)"

Sadie came into the camera, waving.

"We are pranking Y/n, by cheating on her with her best friend."

Daniel gave a scared look.

"Y/n is gonna kill me" Sadie says glaring at Daniel.

"It was your idea for her pranking you for the  kidnapped prank!" Daniel said defending himself.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." She rolled her eyes as Daniel continued with filming and explains the video. 

{]TiMe SkIp[}

Y/n opened the front door, expecting her lovely boyfriend.

She closed the door, kinda confused.

"Baby, I'm home!" 

She took off her shoes, leaving them at the door and running up the stairs.

She walked to her and Daniel's shared bedroom.

As soon as her hand touched the cold door handle, she heard moans and the bed creaking.

Her face fell as she hesitated going or not.

Her eyes started tearing up as she went to open the door again. She wanted to see who it was with.

She sniffled and opened the door.

She just stared as Sadie got off of Daniel and covered up.


"Y/n, babe it's not what it looks like"  Daniel cringed for saying the oh so overrated and over-used saying for douches. 

Y/n looked down and sniffled.

Sadie just stared at Y/n.

Y/n whisped something under her breath.

"What?" Sadie asked as she stood with the sheet wrapped around her "naked" body.

"Sorry." Y/n said now looking up.

"Why are you apolagizing?!" Daniel and Sadie asked in unison, shocked and confused. 

"Sorry I wasn't good enough. And im sorry I wasnt a good enough friend for you. I'm sorry I wasn't enough for both of y'all." Y/n went to the closet, getting a backpack.

Y/n, babes" Sadie whispered, tearing up also.

"No, I'm just sorry that I actually thought you had enough respect for me to not sleep with MY boyfriend."


"Daniel, I'm also sorry that i gave you all my love and respect and I  had the audacity to think maybe you would do the same."

Y/n threw the backpack back into the closet, bawling her eyes out by now and falling to the floor.

Daniel looked at the crying Sadie, and nodded.

Daniel went over to y/n trying to hug her.

"Get away from me!" Y/n spat out weakly, as she started to hit his chest repeatedly.

"Y/n- y/n-stop hitting me"

Sadie got the camera. 


Y/n sniffled and wiped her eyes as she looked at Sadie.

"Fuck..." She whispered and continued to hit Daniel's chest, even harder now.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?"

"It was Sadie's idea!"

Y/n stood and smacked Sadie upside the head.

After plenty of hits and smacks (my mind i-) they did the outro and Sadie left, leaving Y/n and Daniel to cuddle.

||This is shit, but I haven't posted. SORRY!!||


Date: 8/4/2020

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