U deserve better (J.M)

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James has came home drunk, with hickeys all over his neck again.

You might be asking 'why are you still with him if he does this?' But tbh, idk.

I don't know why I have to be so stupid that I stay with him, knowing he is toxic.

I'm stupid I guess.

Anyway, James just got home.

He stumbled to the living room. I could already smell the alcohol from the couch. He stumbled his way to the couch, taking the remote away from me and changing it to golf.


I looked at him like he was insane, which he was if he took the remote away from me. "What?!" He slurred and flumped down on the couch.

I sighed and went to get up, but was a toppled by James. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me into him, and under him. He hovered over me, making the smell even worse.

"Where are you going?" He slurred, the smell of alcohol making you nauseous.

"Away from you. You're drunk and have cheated on me. Now, get off me." I was so calm, which surprised even me.

"Yeahh, you're right, I did cheat. But, she was much better then you"

I gasped and slapped him, close to tears. I pushed him off of me with all my strength, and got my coat, wallet, phone, and my key and walked out the door.

I was only thinking of one person to go to.

Sure i had plenty of people who I could go to, but i needed to go to him.

He would make it all better, he always did.

Jonah was always there for me, he claims he always will be.

I drove to the house he shares with Eben and Corbyn and got out of the car, going up to ring the door bell.

Before I could push the button, the door opened to reveal a very sleepy looking Corbyn.

His eyes finally focused and he saw the once blurry girl.

He saw the fear and a mix of something else on her face, he let her in.

"Hey Y/n, what's up?"

"James was being an ass again"
I looked down.

"Wait, he cheated again?" Corbyn asked kinda mad.

"Yes, I don't know why I was still with him..."

"Hey, hey. You loved him, and you were kinda stupid- but still" that caused us both to giggle.

There was footsteps coming down the stairs, causing us to turn around and see who it was.

The was a very nappy headed, sleepy Jonah in nothing but basketball shorts.

"Is that y/n?" He asked wiping away the sleep in his eyes.

"Yeah, it's me jojo." Jonah heard the sadness in her voice, making him speeds up his pace and jog down the stairs.

By now he was wide awake.

"What did the dickhead do now?" Jonah asked, taking the girl in his arms.

"The same old, same old..."

Jonah sighed and lead me to the couch.

"Why are you still with him?"

"I'm stupid Jonah!! That's why!!" I started tearing, but Jonah would just wipe them away.

"Hey, hey there is no need to cry. Hr is not worth you tears. He is a jerk that doesn't know what he fucked over. You're not stupid, you just thought you loved him so you just didn't use the working side of your brain." I cracked a smile, causing him to do the same.

It was quiet for awhile, Corbyn  went back to bed by now.


"Yes, Jonah?"

"You deserve better"

I looked at Jonah, and sighed.

I looked at my handed that were in my lap.

"You deserve someone like me"

I looked up into his beautiful green/ blue eyes, why haven't I ever noticed how pretty they were?

"What?" I whispered

"Oh for the sake of frank- Y/N JONAH LIKES- NOT LOVES YOU!!!" Eben yelled from the bottom of the stairs, causing Corbyn to slap him cross the head for blowing their cover.

Jonah looked down.


He looked up, but I didn't give him enough time 'cause I smashed my lips on his.

He instantly kissed back.

"Eww" Eben said and walked into the kitchen.

When we pulled back, we both smile.

"Told ya" Jonah said with a little smirk plastered on his face.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him again.

Made on 6/16/2020

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