hungry (D.S)

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"BAAAAAAAAAAAAABE!!" I whined as Daniel sat on the couch, on his phone.


"I'm hungry" I whined again, causing him to look up from his phone.



"I was kidding! I don't think we have anything left, we can't leave-" Dnai got interrupted by the door opening, and Jonah and Corbyn walking in WITH GROCERIES!!!!

I jumped off the couch and ran to them.

"Sup Y/n"

"I'm hungry" right as I finished talking, my stomach growled.

I pulled my best puppydog eyes.

They rolled their eyes, and putt their mask on the table thing.

"There's Watermelon in the car-"
"There's what in the car?!" Dani ran up behind me and picked me up and ran to the car.

He opened the door, which almost hit me in the nose.

He closed the door quick to ask if I was OK.

"Sorry babe, are you OK?"

"Yeah I'm fine, it almost hit me."

He kissed my nose and went back to searching for his long lost baby.

I looked in the car at the other groceries, seeing Gushers, and tiny cakes.

I ran to the other side, opened the door faster then lighting, grabbed the groceries, and ran in the house, Daniel behind me.

I ran to the kitchen, seeing The other's putting the groceries up, Daniel and I doing the same now.

After they were all putt up, Daniel cut the watermelon.

As I was getting my bowl, Eben came up to me with ALOT of Candy Bars.

"Here, Jonah and Corbyn got these for you."

"I looked at the candy, then at Corbyn and Jonah, Candy, Corbyn and Jonah, and I starting tearing up.

I ran to them and hugged back, they started hugging back.

After we pulled away, I kissed their cheeks and went back to Daniel, who was holding my bowl.

That day, Daniel and I ate Watermelon, Candy, Chocolate, and drank sodas.

Greatest day ever- I mean, second greatest day ever........ When I met Daniel being the first, of course. Hehe.......totally.

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