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So it's short, But I didn't want it to be overly long so here goes, enjoy.

Epilogue; The First Last Time.

"Why? Why would you do that?" Louis whined.

"Because I love you." Harry replied, a goofy smile on his face.

"How am I supposed to cover this up? You do realise I'm Matt's Best-Man. I can't stand next to the groom with a fricking hickey on my neck." Louis tilted his head, trying to get a better angle in the mirror. He groaned rubbing over the newly made purple mark on his skin. "Gosh, I hate you."

Harry chuckled, walking forward and wrapping his arms around the slightly shorter boys waist. He slid his hands underneath Louis' T-shirt and began rubbing small circles on his tanned skin. He brought his face down so his mouth was gently touching his boyfriends ear. "No." They both looked at each other reflections in the long mirror. "You love me." And then he gave Louis a sneaky smile before walking out of their shared hotel room.

Louis groaned rubbing the mark one last time before walking over to the bathroom door where his black suit was hanging. He slid on the ironed white shirt and tied his long black tie. His trousers were next then lastly, his blazer. He was glad that his hair had been done earlier as he was scared that if he moved, the bruise on his neck would peek out from his shirt collar.

He sighed, rubbing his hands down his trousers, checking once more that his tie was all done properly before walking towards the door Harry had walked out of before. He opened the door and looked both ways, checking the corridors for people. There was no one to be seen, much to Louis' confusion. Nearly the whole hotel was booked up with Joe's and Matt's families and friends, yet not one person was to be found.

Louis just shut the door to their room and began adventuring for Harry. Louis wasn't sure where the boy walked off to. He had already been dressed, had his hair done and had even got breakfast, so Louis had no resort to go to. As he reached the elevator, Louis bumped into an older woman.

"Louis!" She shouted rather loudly.

"Denise, so nice to see you again." Louis smiled, pulling Matt's mother into a hug. He took a quick look at her outfit, a light pink dress, and white sandals to match. Cute.

"Harry was wondering when you were going to be done. He's down in the lobby with Matt. My boy is worrying his socks off." She chuckled slightly. "Okay well I best go and make sure your mum is ready. It's wedding time!" And she was off. Louis smiled watching the older woman walked down the corridor using the brown walking stick she never parted with.

Once Louis was in the lift, he pressed the ground floor button and watched as the doors closed. For some reason, his mind brought up the memories from the past couple of years. The amount of things that had happened was unbelievable. He had lost his sight in an accident but through that, he had met the most amazing person he could ever ask for. Not only that, but that person was able to hear for the first time. His sight was able to come back through the surgery and he was able to lay eyes on the boy that stole his heart.

Now his mum was getting married. Louis looked up to the roof of the elevator and smiled. He liked to think that his dad was doing this. He liked to think that his father was making sure that everything turned out just fine. After all, you can't get to the right destination with out a few bumps in the road.

The big sliver doors opened and Louis stepped out. He looked right and saw that the groom and his boyfriend were stood by the hotel entrance. He smiled walking over.

"Hey." Louis placed his hand on Matt's shoulder causing the older man to turn and let out a huge puff of air.

"Okay you're ready." Louis let his arm drop and gripped onto Harrys with his other hand.

"Let's get going then." Harry cheered.

The drive to the church was slow and the ceremony was beautiful. Louis stood by Matt's side as his Best-Man and Harry stood by Joe's as her Page-Boy. And as the newly weds said their vows, Louis looked over to Harry and Harry looked over at Louis smiling as he mouthed an 'I love you'. Louis replied back with an 'I love you more' and let's just say that caused a small, but cute, argument in the reception.

At the end of the very long day, just before Matt and Joe were about to jump into their car, it was time to throw the flowers. All guests stood behind the bride and waited as the flowers were threw up into the air.

It ended up to be Harry who caught the flowers. How cliché, right?

So, to sum up the story, two boys, both with different problems, ended up falling in love. It wasn't the easiest thing to do, but it was manageable. Something that could have ended, something that could have just been another two week teenage relationship, became far much more.

The day of Louis' mums wedding was the day Harry realised just how special Louis was. Not that he hadn't realised it before, it was just when they were exchanging the 'I love you's' during the ceremony, Harry could imagine the two of them stood where that bride and groom were.

And what would you do if I told you that did happen? I guess you'll just have to wait and find out...

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