Chapter One; The First Day.

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The feeling of being poked woke Harry up. Looking at his mum, he smiled.It had been like this ever since he was born.He would wake up to his mother poking him or shaking him.Nodding his head, Harry sat up in bed and stretched out his arms.

"Im fine mum, you can leave." He spoke with his hands.

Signing was Harrys way of communicating as he couldn't hear his mothers voice. Or his own for that matter. Today was the first day back to school after the summer break. Harry wasn't nervous nor worried. His parents were the ones who ran the school so he knew that there was nothing to worry about. He had seen paper work on his parents desk about a new student and that, he was excited for.


"Louis are you ready?"

Today would be Louis' first day at school after his accident. To say he was scared was an understatement. After all who wouldn't be?

A new location.

A new school.

A new disability.

A new life.

"Yes mum, just give me a second." Louis sighed. Holding onto the wall Louis made his way out of his bed room. Using his guide stick to make sure he wasn't going to fall down the stairs or walk in to any walls. Carefully but surely, Louis found his way downstairs and in to the newly decorated living room which still smelled of paint.

The colour, Louis was unsure of. Thinking back to the house they had lived in before, Louis imagined the living room wich he had grown up in. Imagining the bright red wall, contrasted with the three other white ones. The way the white and red sofa was pushed up against the wall beneath the window. The light shining down onto the solid oak coffee table. All of which were not only miles away but blind to Louis' eyes.

His childhood was now miles away and he was left in a house he had never seen. He couldn't even name the colours of the walls in his own bedroom. He couldn't tell you, even if he wanted to, where the bathroom was. This angered Louis. He didn't deserve this. He had never done anything to deserve this. He had always gone by the rules. Never in his life had he not done what he was told, excluding that one time when he ate the cookie that his mother had told him not to touch, but was that really bad enough for him to not see the bright beautiful colours of the rainbows?

"Lou, honey your going to be late, come on." Louis felt a hand wrap around his forearm as his mother pulled him slightly, towards the door. This is the kind of thing Louis got annoyed about. He felt as if he couldn't live by himself. Like he had to have someone with him at all times. He knew that his mother didn't mean it to make him angry, she was only trying to help, but it wasn't helping. It was making Louis feel worthless.




To him, that is all he was...


Taking in the surroundings Harry only had one problem, which was, that Harry had no idea what was going on behind him. He didn't know if someone was laughing at him. If someone was calling his name. That was the only problem Harry had.

Unlike most people at his school, Harry was born deaf. He couldn't have done anything to prevent that. Also, unlike most people, Harry didn't mind his disability.

"I was born with it." He would say. "Its my fate. It was how God made me."

Harry wasn't religous, infact he had never gone to church in his life, he just believed in fate.

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