Chapter Six; The First Strong Memory.

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OMFG I want to say that you allll are sooo amazinng, there is over 100 votes on this book and 2K reads fricking hell. Wow.

Thank you soooooooo much. It means a looot..

Lets get on with it shall we??


"Something crazy." He smirked.

Joanna stared at Harry for a second. Not really expecting this from her friend. Harry was never really this... Creepy?

The smirk was still evident on Harry's face when Joanna snapped out her little trance.

"Harry, I don't know what your thinking, but I'm not sure if I like it." Harry's smirk faded a little as he began to sign to Joanna.

"No. Listen. I want to find the boy." Harry stated as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"You want to stalk him?" Joanna asked, shocked. "Harry you can't-" Harry hit her hands away slightly, trying to stop her sentence from finishing.

"Look, I can get in to my dads files, and find the boy from his picture." Harry shrugged.

"Harry no. Do you know how much trouble you could get into? I could get into?" Joanna asked. Trying to persuade Harry out of doing this crazy 'something'.

"Yes but you don't understand. Joanna I need to find this boy."

"Arn't you in his geography class? Can't you just talk to him in there?" Joanna tried searching for an alternative but Harry seemed to have an excuse for all of them and truthfully, it was doing Joanna's nut in.

"He is always the first to leave the class. I never get the chance. Besides, he always has his head slanted to the ground and I guess he doesn't know how to sign so how am I supposed to understand him? I need you with me Joanna. Please. Please. Please." Harry actually got down on his knees. Begging Joanna to go with him.

So with a sigh, and a small shake of the head, Joanna agreed. Harry leaped ontop of her. Only to have her push him off seconds later and signing, "If we get caught, all of this is on your hands."

Harry nodded his head, understanding. After all it was his idea. And it doesn't matter to Harry, because he knows. He knows that one day, whether it be tomorrow or in years time, he will find out why this mysterious boy has been playing on his mind so much.


Louia sat down on his bed with the loudest puff of air he could produce. Normally, he would be getting his stuff ready for tomorrows events, but now, now his mother does it all for him. And he hates the usless feeling. Usually, he would be reading, playing music or laughing with his bestfriend, but now, now his best-friend lives hundreds of miles away. And he is stuck with no one to talk to. If Louis had one thing he missed most though, it would be reading.

Louis had nearly enough books to fill a library. Like said, he was bad at Math. English, Louis loved. He loved finding the hidden story behind To Kill A Mocking Bird or Of Mice and Men. So if Louis could have anything back, it would be the ability to be able to read. That way he would be able to escape this world. The world where he couldn't see. And he would be whisked off into the house belonging to Scout and Jem. Or even the walls surrounding the cave which belonged to The BFG.

That's about the time when Louis remebered something from his childhood. Something that he had completly forgotton about until now. His audible reader. When Louis was around the age of Six, was when his addiction of novels began. At that age though, Louis wasn't the best reader. His father soon found a solution to Louis' problems.

One night, a late Thursday afternoon, Louis' father had arrived home late from work. Louis didn't question it. It happend now and then. His father would loose track of time in his office. Scanning through pages and pages of books, upon book. That's where Louis guessed he got the reading habbit from. His father was a publisher. He would read books, stories, anything that was sent into him and decide whether or not he wanted to publish them. That had always been Louis' dream (other than to be a musician).

Anyway, back to the Thursday night. Although Louis didn't question the time, he did question his father about the little white bag his was carrying in this hand. His father had said, "Something special."

Louis had smiled a goofy smile and begged him to open the bag. Just so he could take a little peek inside. So he did. His father opened the bag, just a tiny bit, playing along with his sons game. When Louis took a look inside, all he say was a little grey looking box, with some black wire attached. Louis had scrunched his eyebrows together and looked back up to the tall man wearing a rather dark suit.

"It is to help you read, Louis."

That was when Louis fell in love. He would buy tapes to put into the little device with every little bit of money his parents would give him. He would sit, for hours, with the earphones in his ears, just listening to the man or woman reading out the scenery of the castle or how the prince and pincess fell in love. Later on though, Louis eventually found reading easier and easier.

Falling in love with the ink covered papper, Louis had ditched the tape player, placing it in a small box, along with the rest of his fathers things he had left.


Louis smiled. The strong memory of his dad still in his mind like it had hapend yesterday. He stood, carefully. With his stck in hand, Louis made his way down the stairs. He could hear dishes being moved around in the kitchen so he followed the sound.

"Mum?" Louis asked sheepishly. Now he felt a little awkward having ignored her for a while.

"Yes honey?" Joe turned around from her spot in the kitchen. She placed the towel, which she was using to dry the dishes, down.

"Do you know where my box of dad's things are?" Louis asked hopefully.

"They are in the spare bedroom. Do you want me to fetch it for you?" Louis smiled at his mother and she took that as a 'yes'.

Joe made her way up the stairs, heading to the room opposite her own. Opening the door, her eyes took place on an old shoe box placed on top of the sofa bed. She walked over to the dusty looking box, pulling off the lid slowly, she took a look inside.

Tears filled her eyes as they scanned through her late husbands belongings. From his wallet that held a picture of their son, to his ball-point pen he had used to edit his last book before he passed. She smiled through the pain. Glancing at the picture of Louis sat on his fathers shoulders, only aged four. She sighed as she came across the reason for Louis' wanting of the box.

The small black tape player layed at the bottem. A pair of matching black head-phones to go with it. Her heart seemed to swell as she looked at the story tape which as placed inside the player. The writting she recognised as her lovers.

Louis, and the Lost Boys.


[If you dont understand the name of the tape don't worry, it will become clearer in the next chapter.]

Hope you enjoyed this shitty thing. I know there has been like NOOOO Larry yet, buutt I promise, it's coming.


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