Chapter Twenty-Three; The First Breakfast In Bed.

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There is a map of Harry's room above just incase you were wondering how it was set out .. Continue on my friennndddss.

Harry and Louis slept with Louis' chest pressed against Harry's side and their legs entwined. Louis had his right hand pressed against Harry's clothed chest, his finger spread out over the place where his heart would be. Harry had both of his arms wrapped around the boy, one going behind his back, one going around his front, and then both meeting on Louis' side.

They had fallen asleep in yesterday clothing but neither of them could careless.

The date was the tenth of November. A Saturday. Louis was the first to wake. A silent yawn leaving his mouth. He realised what was going on as he felt the slight beating underneath his hand. He smiled, counting the beats.

Harry woke not long after. His eyes fluttering open and looking down at the boy laying partly on him. He watched as Louis fingers patted against his t-shirt in some type of rhythm. He looked down at his face, watching the smile that was laid out.

"Good morning." Harry broke the silence and he nearly wet himself from laughing by the way his lover reacted. Louis pushed away from the warmth of another body and fell back a little further than he had wanted, falling completely off the bed with the duvet, screaming as he did so.

"Harry!" He shouted. "What the fuck was that for?" He whined. Trying to pry the blanket off of himself so that he could stand from the carpeted floor. Harry laughed. And laughed a little more until he was no longer able to and tears were escaping his squinted eyes.

Louis huffed and jumped back onto the bed where Harry was still led. He felt around for Harry's body and soon found it. He lifted his right leg and placed it over Harry, straddling him. Harry's breathing was becoming normal as he opened his eyes wider, watching Louis carefully.

Louis' hands roamed Harry's body, going from his chest to his waist, up to his face. Feeling as much as Harry as possible. His fingers slid across Harry's lips and everything seemed a little familiar. Leaning his upper body down, Louis kept ahold of Harry's face as a guid on where to place his lips.

Harry watched as Louis' face came closer and closer to his own. He watched as Louis' eyes closed shut, but for that boy, the picture didn't change. He watched as Louis' lips met his. It was then when his eyes slowly closed.

The warmth from Louis hands, which were now on his cheeks, made the kiss that little bit more special. The way Louis was the one controlling the kiss was special.

He was always the one to show affection, not because Louis didn't want to give it, but because he just simply couldn't, he didn't know if he was going kiss Harry's lips, or kiss his cheek by accident. He didn't know his he was going to take ahold of Harry's hand, or he was going to take ahold of something else.

That's what made this moment so special to them both. It was a first proper time for Louis to give Harry the gesture, and it was a first for Harry to revive it from Louis. And it couldn't be any better for either of them. It was an intimate moment. Louis' tongue dancing with Harry's in an intimate way. And Harry's fingers tracing delicate patterns on Louis' hips, where his shirt had risen, in an intimate movement.

When they did pull apart, both pair of eyes stayed close, and their foreheads joined. Their breathing was rapid and their hearts racing. But they were racing for each other and that's all that mattered.


Saturday's were usually the day when unfinished homework was done and chores were finished ready for the event less Sunday. But for two boys, this Saturday was spent in bed, laughing, talking, and small kisses being shared. It was around three o'clock when Harry finally left the bed to fetch them a drink each and some food.

Standing up from the bed he reached his arms up and stood on his tip toes, stretching out his achey muscles. After he had finished, after the strangled noise had escaped his mouth and he finally felt awake, he turned to face the bed. Looking down at Louis he smiled, leaning down he placed a short kiss to his mouth.

"I'll be back in a minute." He said, only to get a muffled reply as he kissed Louis again before leaving the room. Making sure to shut the door behind him because he knows that Louis doesn't like being in a room, on his own, with the door open.

Harry walked down the carpeted stairs, feeling the softness against his bare feet. As he reached the bottom, he walked through the living room and into the kitchen where, to his surprise, both his parents were. His mum was at the sink, washing up the dirty plates and his father sat at the breakfast bar drinking, what smelt like, coffee.

"Morning." Harry announced, walking over to the fridge and pulling at a carton of apple juice and walking over to the side.

"Afternoon." Anne corrected.

His father laughed and Harry looked over at him. "It's about time you left that bed, you and Louis must be hungry."

Harry nodded, "which is why I am down."

"There is some pancakes there from what I made earlier, if you want them." Harry looked to where his mum was pointing and saw the plate of pancakes on the side next to the oven. Harry nodded again, grabbing two dry cups from the draining board and pouring the cold fruit juice.

Turning around, Harry reached up, opened a cupboard and pulled out a tray. He placed the two glass cups on the plastic and walked over to where the plate of food was situated. Picking up the plate, Harry looked forward, staring straight out of the window. The sun was shining but you could see by the way the grass reflected the light, that the frost was still out there. He watched as a bird landed on the small bird table that was attached to an old oak tree at the bottom of the garden.

He remembered the days in the summer when he would sit out, under that tree, with a pad of paper and a box of pencils, just drawing what his eyes saw. It was like drawing was his way of appreciating his ability to have always been able to see the beauty of the world.

He smiled, moving around the breakfast bar he placed the plate next to the cups. He gripped the sides of the tray and began walking away.

"Thank for the pancakes mum." He shouted as he walked through the living room and up the stairs. He made sure that he was carful not to spill the drinks or drop the food.

He opened the door was a struggle and closed it with the same amount of difficulty, kicking it shut with his foot. He smiled when he accomplished the journey, not spilling it once. He walked over to where Louis sat on the bed. He sat with his back against the wall, his legs crossed underneath the covers and his hands in his lap.

"I come bearing pancakes and apple juice." Harry announced, putting the tray on the bed and sitting down next to Louis. Harry pulled the corner of the cover, pulling it so it laid across his body.

"It's a about time, I'm starving."

Yes, Harry enjoyed this side of Louis.

Message me, I like speaking to new people even though I am socially awkward.


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