Chapter Three: The First Sign Of Addiction

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I know, I know, I know. Im horrible. I haven't updated in ages but I've been so busy.

Any way, hope you enjoy this chapter :).


Harry awoke with the usual feeling of someones hand shaking him slightly. Smiling to at his mum, Harry stretched out his limbs and climbed out of bed. Looking around his bedroom, his eyes landed on the picture he had drawn yesterday. The smile which was already there, had grew wider. He had to see this boy again.

Louis' house was only a little different. Louis awoke to the sound of his mothers voice.

"Louis, honey, it's time to wake up." Louis opened his eyes, finding that nothing had changed. The same blackness stood before him.

"I dont know why I try." He mumbled. Climbing out of bed, he felt around for the stick that he still hadn't gotten used to using. Whilst he was changing in to the clothes his mum had set out for him, Louis' mind flew back to yesterday. That voice he had heard. He was trying to create a picture in his mind. Trying to find a face.

Blonde hair or brown? Ginger maybe?

Blue eyes? Green? Brown?

Short? Tall?

It was no use. His mind was just filled with hunderds of possibilites. But he knew that the voice had an effect on him deep down.


The second day didn't seem as long as the first. At least the first two lessons didn't. Louis headed to his third lesson alone. It didn't take him as long as he thought it would, to figure the lay-out of the school. It was actually quite simple.

All core subjects; Science, English/Brail, and Math, were all on the left side of the left side of the school, and all other subjects; Art, Music, History, Geography, Graphics and Textiles are on the right side of the school. The reception area, along with the lunch hall and hang out area are at the front of the school.

Louis took the core subjucts; Brail, Math and Science, along with Music, History and Geography.

It was his first Geography lesson next and he was a little nervous. All of his other lessons, he had been with the school assistant.

Walking into the room, Louis felt even more nervous than before.

"Ahhh, Louis. Welcome to Geography." It was a male, and from the gruffness in his voice, Louis predicted that the man wasn't exactly young.

"I'm going to guide you to your seat at the back. Now just take my hand." Louis felt the mans hand on his and he felt awkward.

Soon enough though, Louis was seated at the back of class, listening to his teacher, Mr. Cotton. It wasn't the most exciting of his lessons, but it wasn't the worst. Math had always been his weak subject. He just never got the hang of it. His mum had gotten Louis a Math tutor last year, before the accident, but Louis just didn't get it. He wasn't really bad, he could just do a little better.

Harry, on the other hand, was lucky enough to be passing all of his subjects, including Math. Harry was infact, in the same room as Louis. Sat only a few seats away. The Geography class, which they were both in, was mixed. The teacher would sign for those who were deaf and talk for those who were blind. Looking to his left, Harry saw the boy with light brown hair. Smiling slightly as he looked over to the boy he spent hours drawing the day before.


Throughout the whole class, Harry would look over towards the boy, completely missing what the teacher was signing. Once it was over thoough, so were the glances. Harry didn't see the boy for the rest of the day and one of the main reasons for that was becuase he spent his free time drawing.

Drawing that same boy.

Just after finishing the boys hair, Harry felt someone poking into his side. Slowly turning his head, he saw his bestfriend.

"Hey." she signed.

"Jesus Joanna, you scared me." He said back.

"Sorry." She chuckled. Looking down at the sheet of papper, she furrowed her eyebrows. "Whos this?" She asked.

"I'm not sure." He answerd. Joanna looked up at him with a liffed eyebrow.

"I mean, he's the new boy here, I just- I don't know anything about him. I asked him why he was here, I just didn't watch what he said. He didn't sign and he was wearing dark glasses so my guess is that he's blind. I don't even know his name Joanna and I already can't get him off my mind."

"Maybe its just love at first sight? You know, that's what they say the first sign of addiction is. When you can't stop thinking of something. Someone..."

Harry laughed. He isn't addicted. Like he said himself, he doesn't even know the boys name. And after all. How could he believe in love at first sight, if the other couldn't see?


"Don't choose the one that the world thinks is beautiful, choose the one that makes your world beautiful."


Okay so this might not be as long as the other chapters but I did my best. I found it hard to write this as I haven't wrote this in ages bus I did it for you guysss.

Just to let you know. I am thinking of putting this on hlod for a little while. Just becuase I have to finish my other book, becuase thats been on hold for a while and I really just want to get it finished. It wont really be on hold. I'll still update. Just not very often. Not that I do anyway :/

But I'm not completely sure yet and I will tell you soon my decision.

Anyway, it really means a lot to me when you vote and comment on this story. I cant believe that there is over 50 votes. Thats amazing.

I love you alll.

Ohhh and I have chosen Louis' friend now also, it was a hard choice but I managed and that will be announced in the next chapter.

So thanks for putting up with the long wait.



"I'm Blind." | Larry Stylinson ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora