Chapter Sixteen; The First Tears Shed.

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Louis sat alone on the bench just outside the school gates. Swinging his legs back and forth, he waited for Harry. He had not bought his stick today as Harry walked him to everyone of his classes.

He had decided to push all of what he felt towards Harry to the side and had just told him to carry on as if things were normal. As if Harry had said nothing and he had never considered such thing.

Of course, it was easier said than done. As soon as Louis heard the cheery tone in Harry's voice, he melted. He managed to, just about, pull himself together and greet the boy with a verry small, "hi." As soon as the awkward greeting was done, everything ran smoothly.

That was until the end of last lesson. Geography. Harry and Louis walked out -hand in hand just so Louis didn't get lost from Harry- of the class room and towards the front of the school. Louis knew he was near the corner, where he waited for his mum, when Harry stopped him. Suddenly he felt arms wrap around his waist and he was pulled closer to Harry.

That was when his head exploded and his heart started beating a thousand miles per seconds. The feeling were now back again and no matter what Louis thought about, they just kept pushing themselves to the front of the list. Louis was never really one to hug people, but slowly, Louis lifted his arms and wrapped them around Harry's neck. He felt slightly awkward. For one, he had no idea what so ever what this was all about. And second, they were in the middle of a street, just outside of their school.

Harry snuggled his head into Louis' neck. Breathing through his nose as he inhaled Louis' scent that he had now grown used to. He had something to say. Something so big, that he was actually scared to admitt it. Becuase once you've said it, its out in the open, it is finally true. Really, he couldn't wait to tell Louis. This had been the news he had been waiting for his entire life. So leaning down towards Louis' ear, Harry whispered it.

"Im going to be able to hear you Lou."

Harry shut his eyes and held Louis that little bit closer. Louis was confused at first, not really sure what he had heard. Then he realised what Harry ment. Too many emotions came at once as Louis grabbed Harry's shoulders and pushed him away slightly, still keeping a soft grip.

"What?" He didn't really know why he said that, beciase he knew what Harry had said. It was just out of shock. "I mean, Harry that's, that's amazing." Louis smiled, he also laughed because it was that over whelming. And yes, a couple of tears fell from Harry's eyes as he pulled Louis back into a hug.

This time, Louis held Harry just as tight. Soon enough, Louis mum turned up at the corner and Harry smiled as he pulled away from the embrace. Joe climbed out of the car and walked over to the two boys with a smile on her face.

"You ready Lou?" She asked looking over to her son.

"Could you just give me and Harry a minute please? I won't be long." Joe agreed, going back over to the car and shutting the door, a little too loud, just so Louis knew she wasn't listening.

"Louis?" Harry asked, taking a hold of Louis' left hand in his right, whilst giving him a confused look.

"Listen, uhh, I know I said I wouldn't say it yet, that I needed time, but I-I was talking to Lexus yesterday and she made me realise something. You know- that love doesn't wait for you, it just comes out of nowhere and changes things, Harry. I-I wasn't going to say this today, or anytime soon really, but you had that news and I've never been so happy for someone in my entire life. And I don't want to start going on about nothing, so I'm just going to say it." Louis tightened his grip on Harrys hand as he took a deep breath in. "I love you too."

Harry watched as the four words ran from Louis' lips. And at first, he thought that maybe he had read them wrong. But then Louis said them again, and he just felt too many emotions to stop himself from pulling Louis towards him and bringing him into another hug.

This time, pressing small kisses to Louis neck over and over as he whispered "I love you" again and again.


Shit, thats short.


Im so fricking tierd omfg.

I saw The Janoskians on Saturday and they were fuCKING AMAZING I MIGHT JUST DIE. AND MAZ JUST THOUGHT IT WOULD BE OKAY TO JUST COME ON STAGE BEFORE THEM. That did not help my heart.

But yes, it had been six days since I last updated, thats less than a week, and I think, for me, thats pretty good. I should really start updating more.

I just don't want this book to go too fast.

I have no idea when I will next upload, Ill try my best for it not to be over a week, but I cant promise anything.

Sorry if its short.


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