Chapter Eleven; The First Image.

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It was 2:39 when Louis had finished eating his hot-dog that Harry had collected for him. Louis loved the way that Harry had not left his side since he had arrived. They were both sat on a small wooden bench at the very back of the large back garden, away from all the people. Louis' hands were placed in his lap as he swung his legs back and forth.


Harry had his body twisted slightly so he was facing Louis. He watched as Louis scrunched his nose to push his glasses up a little more. A smile grew on Harry's face as he carried on looking at the adorable boy.

"So, Louis," Harry watched as Louis perked up and turned his head to the sound of his voice. "How do you find school here?"

"It's good I guess." Louis nodded, agreeing with his own words.

"Good. Uhh, what lessons do you take?" Harry asked, even though he had seen all this information in his school records, he trying his best to create a conversation.

"I take Geography, Music, Brail, Math, History, and Science." Harry nodded his head.

"Well I'm glad you enjoy it. My mum and dad actually run the school." Louis' eyes widened and Harry couldn't hold back the small chuckle.

"So your Harry Styles." Harry nodded his head before letting out a small, "yep, that's me."

"So your parents own the school. All I said was that it was good. I feel like I should have said more now. Something like, It's amazing. I'm having the time of my life there." Harry laughed and Louis grew a little smile. His happy side had once again joined him for the second time that day and he couldn't help but think it was to do with the boy he was sat with.

"It's fine. Honestly." Harry's laughter died down as he spoke.

"Can I ask you something?" Louis asked scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Sure," Harry shrugged. "Go ahead."

"Can you describe what you look like?" Harry watched Louis' lips watching as he asked the question. "Please. I've been trying to piece you together. Trying to find a face. But it's so hard." Harry coughed awkwardly but an idea came to his head that he thought might be a little easier for Louis.

"Here, give me your hands." Harry saw Louis' eyebrows scrunch together once again before he said, "just trust me."

So he did. He trusted Harry and pulled his hands out of his lap, turning on the bench slightly, Louis put his arms out in front of himslef giving his hands to Harry.

Harry wrapped his hands around Louis' wrists and bought them to his face. Starting with his lips.

"Joanna, my best friend, always says that she is jealous of the colour of my lips. She says that they are too pink." Louis smiled as he let his fingers run across the smooth skin. Harry then moves Louis' hands up his.face to his nose.

"My nose is the thing I want to change the most." Harry stated. Giving enough time for Louis to feel around before moving his hands further up his face to his, now closed, eyes.

"My eyes are green. I got that from my mum. Her eyes are the exact same colour as mine. They change from light green and dark green depending on the light that's shining on them." Louis slowly filled his mind with the features Harry is feeding him with.

"And my hair," Harry let go of Louis' wrists and let his feel his hair by himslef. "My hair is dark brown, not too dark that it looks black, but defiantly not light enough to look a dirty blonde. It is naturally curly and that is where my best friend got my nickname from." Harry chuckled. Opening his eyes Harry saw the concentration on Louis' face as he pulled slightly on his hair.

"I guess you could say I'm about a foot taller than you too." Harry smiled. He secretly loved the way he was taller than the smaller boy.

Harry had to bight his bottom lip as he watched Louis. And it wasn't because he was thinking dirtly about this, because honeslty, he wasn't. It was because he liked the feeling of being this close to Louis. He liked the way the boy made him feel safe from the things he couldn't hear. When Louis let his fingers untangle themselves from Harry's hair, he lets them drag down Harry's face one more time before pulling them away completely.

"Thank you." Louis said because it was the only thing he could really think of saying.

"No problem." Harry said with a small chuckle. "But, can I ask you a question?"

Louis nodded his head.

"This is going to sound a little strange because I know this is the most we have ever talked. But, you trusted me to give me your hands, so, do you trust me?" Louis didn't need to think before he nodded his head a second time.

He never got close to anyone in this short amount of time so there had to be something special about Harry. So yeah, he did trust him.

"Okaay. Good well uhh.." Harry scooched closer to Louis on the small dark wooden bench. Leaning closer, Harry placed his hands on Louis' face.

"Harry...?" Louis was a little confused with what was going on. He felt Harry's fingers run up to the frame of the dark glasses and then it hit him. He froze as did Harry's movements.

"May I?" Harry whispered looking down to Louis' lips. Louis nodded his head a little. Too scared to move any more. Louis let out a shakey breath as he felt the glasses slide off his face. Harry pulled them away slowly, once they were off, he slowly folded them and placed them down on the bench, next the his bent leg. Looking back at Louis, his eyes scanned over Louis' closed ones.

He watched as they fluttered before oppening. Harry had never been so lost for words.

"They are beautiful." He whispered. His voice still at the same volume. His face still the same distance from Louis'. They were so blue. And being so close, gave Harry the advantage of seeing the little yellow circle going around the black pupil.

Louis just sat frozen. He was a little scared. Harry seemed close but all he could hear was his breathing and he didn't know what to do or say. So he just let his eyes stay open. Blinking evey time his brain told his to.

"Harry." He whispered after a couple of minutes of silence. Harry snapped out of his trance as he saw Louis' lips move from the corner of his eye.

"Sorry.." He coughed as he pulled away. Picking up Louis' hand, Harry gave the glasses back over. There was a moment before Harry stood up from the bench. Louis moved his head around, sitting back so his legs were dangling over the edge of the bench, trying to figure what the noise of shuffling was.

Harry bent down in front of Louis, placing his hands on his knees.

"I can be your sight Lou."


I don't even know.

I don't know if I like it but I'll give it to you any way because other wise you'll be left waiting another 3 weeks for an update.



he's so cuutee awwww.


"I'm Blind." | Larry Stylinson ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن