Drawn with the wind!

Começar do início

Lana: don't worry the sea is smiling.

Nanomeck: you sure do know sea's mood better then anyone Lana.

Kiawe: apparently, sudden gusts can come up this time of year. But we should be able to sightsee.

Rotom: *dizzy* no problem at all.

We'll since what Kiawe said is true then I can't stay as Nanomeck because of the gust that can blow me away. As we were waiting for the light to change so qe can cross the road and to meet put tour guide, Sandy comes out of Lana's hand as he observes what other people are doing.

Mallow: Sandy sure is full of curiosity.

Lana: Sandy, be careful!

He doesn't seem to listen as he goes around onto the street and a car was coming straight at him. Shaymin jumped out of Mallow's arms and got in front of Sandy tacking him, thus evading him from being run over.

Lana: Sandy!

She ran twords him and picked him up.

Lana: it's dangerous! Don't do that again!

Nanomeck: she's right you know. You could've been road kill.

Lana: Shaymin? Thanks so much.

Mallow: you're so sweet!

Lillie: Shaymin is so smart and brave!

Mallow: it could be because of Tsareena. When I'm in the kitchen and to busy to watch Shaymin... Tsareena keeps an eye on her for me. I think Shaymin's learning all sorts of things!

She said as we were crossing the road to get to the other side.

Lillie: it's like Tsareena's a sort of big sister.

Nanomeck: aww, that is so sweet! So, where is Tsareena?

Mallow: Tsareena really wanted to help dad out back at home I'll have to bring them both lots of presents!

After we made it to the other side of the road we started waiting for our tour guide but it's taking so long.

Kiawe" whers the tour guide?

???: hes right here!

Nanomeck: who said that?

We heard a voice and it sounds like it was coming from the wall, me and Pikachu looked closer at it but we were shocked when the wall was peeling only to reveal it was a wallpaper and behind it was a guy dressed like a blue ninja. After that the rest turned around and was shock as well.

All: a ninja?

Rotom: are you a ninja?

He nodded yes and was doing ninja poses while Rotom was taking pictures of him.

Kiawe: hold on. You wouldn't happen to be...

Sophocles: our tour guide?

Charlie: thats right! I'm ninja guid Charlie Charma!

Ash: a real-life ninja!

Lana: that's so cool!

Charlie: this is Malie City. I dress like this when I'm an attendant!

Kiawe: wait, attendant?

Mallow: *sweat drop* thank you for showing us around.

Charlie: of course! I heard you talking before. If you want to go to Malie Garden then you'll have to change clothes!

Ash: change clothes?

Charlie: yep! Follow me!

Before we could follow him he stopped for whatever reason.

An Alien In AlolaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora