2. Awake

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I woke up, startled. I looked around me quickly, noting that I was still in the same place in the same position. Trying not to think much on the last thing that I heard, I made my way back to the same cliff.
Halfway there I stop to eat, a rabbit and a frog being my dinner. It wasn't much, but I still savored it like it was my last meal. As I walk towards the cliff, I hear distant voices. My ears perk up.
What the fuck was that? I start to roll in the mud, not wanting to be someone's next meal.

With my body low and ears high, I slowly approached the cliff, a low growl clogging up my throat. I didn't show myself, but my presence was know by the two people who were talking on the cliff.
They were werewolves. By the looks and smells, they were high in rank. I saw their faces, disappointed that one of them wasn't the man.
He doesn't exist, but I still hope that I'll be able to thank him for helping me make it this far. I would've been dead if I hadn't had that dream.

I suddenly had an idea, and I make myself known, growling at them like a wild dog. It was best that they bought that I was a normal wolf instead of a measly rouge.
They saw me and laughed, talking about how normal wolves couldn't hurt a fly. Good, they didn't suspect. Instead of walking off as I approached them, one of them started to take their clothes off.
I didn't stop, snapping at them to back away. One of the guys transform, and God was their wolf huge. I instantly whimper, hating the submissive sound that came past my lips.

I hated being weak. He growled at me, and I made a run for it. I didn't care if my cover was possibly blown, I did not want to die. The wolf ran after me, his friend transforming.
They both tried to force a mind link on me, trying to pry into my mind. It hurt like hell and I howled, pushing them out forcefully.
They started to gain speed, while I rapidly became slower.
I hadn't eaten much and I was tired from earlier. I cursed at myself. I really don't want to die.

The brown wolf behind me took a slash at my side, and my eyes flashed black. I started to bleed out.
Distracted by my blood loss, the other wolf took a slash at my hind leg. I tumbled to the ground, leaves and sticks poking at my wounds intensely.
I growled, pain flooding through me like a waterfall. I couldn't move my body, the loss of blood making me even weaker. The brown wolf gripped my by the fur with his canines, pinching at my neck.

They take me back to the cliff, and I grow confused. Why were they back here? Aren't they going to take me back to their pack?
When they didn't stop, I began to panic. They dropped me like dead weight at the edge, changing back into human form.
They didn't change into their clothes, only staring down at me in disgust. "Fucking mutt." One of them mutters. They spit at my coat, and they then kick me. They kick me hard, hard enough for me to not even have time to react.
Before I knew it, my gaze was on the water and not on the ground. I couldn't do anything, knowing for a fact that my death was going to be in fact, meaningless.

I didn't let out a howl, watching as the two people didn't even give my falling body a second glance, no look of sorrow. I closed my eyes, prepared for the outcome.
My body hit the water, and my breath was taken away from me. Surprised that I didn't black out, I cough, biting at some of the things that stabbed me in the water.
The tide wasn't high, nor was the current fast.
I started to swim to the edge, feeling the leaves and sticks become loose agains my wounds. I picked at them slowly, watching as they floated away coated with my blood, leaving a trail.

My front paws hit the edge of the river first, my back paws second. I shook my fur coat wildly to get the water out. My vision was slightly blurry, the fall making me sway.
I felt bile come up out of my throat and I leaned my head down, puking in front of me. It wasn't a lot, considering the fact that I haven't eaten much in a few days.
I stepped over it ignoring the smell. I was in a completely new area, not knowing how to go back to the spot I've rested at for months.

I couldn't hear anything except birds and animals. I slowly blinked, lifting my head high, sniffing around me.
I held my breath. I smelt the most amazing smell, the smell of food. Trying not to rush myself, I slowly started to walk in the direction of the smell. I started to lose myself in the smell.
It took about thirty minutes for the smell to be the strongest. I couldn't smell any humans or werewolf scents, only focused on the one scent that I longed for the most.

Ten minutes passed, and I was in front of the delicious smell. Bread, I was smelling bread. I could tell it was a trap, the bread set above a hidden rope under shallow leaves.
I couldn't tell whether humans or werewolves set it. I didn't care though. I was the hungriest at the moment. I knew I would have to deal with the problem at hand, but I would deal with it later.
I always did. I approached the food, noticing that certain steps had to be taken to not get caught. I took those certain steps, leaning down to grab the loaf of bread set there.

The trap was immediately set off and I made a dash for it. I heard a snap, and felt intense pain. I looked back to see the top of my tail was cut off. I let out a cry of pain.
The only reason I was alive right now was my high tolerance towards it. I heard curses behind me, but I didn't stop.
I ran straight into territory, feeling the slight pain in my right ear. They knew I was there, but I couldn't care less. I had to get away from those men. They didn't follow me inside, and I was glad but also terrified.

I didn't know what pack was living here, but I could feel some type of blood lust. I didn't want to find out and only ran to the edge of the boarders, immediately ravishingly the food. I didn't stop until it was gone.
My hunger was fulfilled. Feeling my body go numb, I fell to the ground, the pain now unbearable. I knew that I saw people and wolves come my way.
I'm actually going to die for real, fucking finally.



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