18. Breakdown

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For those who have read this chapter already I forgot to put a warning so,

It's been a week since Jimin and the others arrived at the pack house. The first meeting was going to be held tomorrow, and I was nervous about the information that I was going to receive.
Besides Jimin, I haven't really interacted with anyone in the FireLillies pack. The only reason is because Jimin stuck to me like fucking glue.
Everywhere I went he'll always be there too, always greeting me with a simple "hello," and then asking about my day before he rants about his.

Honestly, this Jimin is different from the Jimin I've spoken to years ago. He's still the same flirty man, but he's more aware of my boundaries, and he's more gentle you could say in my presence.
He seems so mature now, and that makes me feel some sort of way around him. I don't think I like him, but he's slowly starting to win me over again.
I don't know if that's a good thing, but I do know the flowers that I find in front of my room every morning makes me blush.

Right now we were both in my room talking about random shit. It started with my dislikes and likes, and then his. This went back and forth between us, and I felt as if I was on cloud nine.
A smile was permanently on my face, and I felt like nothing could bother me.

That was until Jungkook walked through my door uninvited. I gave him a look, not liking his intrusion. "Get the fuck out." He rolls his eyes at me, not even looking Jimin's way which confuses me.
Why would he be here if I wasn't for Jimin? "I heard about your old pack." I'm not affected, but I show faint confusion by his statement.
"What do you mean? Who even told you that?" Jungkook smiles brightly, but I can see the darkness behind it. "There was a woman named Holly? She's the medic right? I heard you're close with her."

My eyes widen then, starting to feel slight panic overcome my unbothered state. I keep my face hard, not wanting to give him a visible reaction.
What exactly did Holly tell him? "What did she tell you Jungkook? You seem smug." And Jungkook did seem smug. His posture was confident, and that was slowly breaking away mine.
"She hasn't seen us before, so I pretended to be Jimin. She didn't say much, but she did tell me a few details." I narrow my eyes at him. "What did she say that has you looking like that?"

Jungkook chuckled. "Well first off you lied to us and so did your sister. Your original pack isn't even the Mountain-blues." My eyes widen.
"That makes you wonder why Jaewa would lie about you mass killing that pack if you weren't even from it? That seemed weird doesn't it?"
I clenched my jaw, not liking how he got his hands on this information. Once I see Holly I'll kill that bitch.

"There was one more thing, though she didn't give me much information on it? It had something to do with why you were kicked out.
Apparently someone hurt you. So were you raped? Abused? Did you want to commit suicide or something?" Jimin got up and growled, pushing Jungkook so hard that the wall he fell into cracked.
"What the fuck! You don't say things like that to anyone! Especially to my mate! Get the fuck out if you have nothing nice to say."

Jungkook got up, cracking his neck. He looked at me, his eyes glowing a slight red before he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
I was sat in my bed, trying not to randomly break down in front of Jimin. That was definitely not what I wanted. But the tears started to stream down my face. I started to sob silently,
and Jimin hugged me from behind, his head full of hair rested on my shoulder. I leaned my own head on his, small sobs escaping my trembling lips as tears continued to wet my face and neck.

"You know what Yoongi, let's trash talk Jungkook to make you feel better! I'll go first. He's only 25 but he looks like he's in the verge of death! I mean, look at all those wrinkles that adorn his face!"
My eyes slightly crinkled. "And he's such an asshole! I bet if he just randomly fell off a cliff no one would help him. And when he came out the womb he demanded to be cleaned as if he was some kind of king. 'Clean me now doctor'!"
I started to laugh, hating how Jimin's fake British accent and broken English brought happy tears to my eyes. I could just imagine the situation, which made me laugh even harder.

"A-and how *giggle* whenever his parents accidentally *giggle*made a mistake he'd say, 'It's time for your punishment mother'." The two of us laughed our asses off, completely forgetting about the situation prior. After we calmed down,
I turned to Jimin with a smile.
"Thanks for getting my mind off of it Jimin. That was very helpful." Jimin shrugged, an even bigger smile on his face."No problem. I couldn't stand seeing you sad. I would do everything in my power to make you the happiest."
My heart started to beat faster, and I knew what it was. I definitely liked Jimin. Thinking about it more, I lay down on the bed, my hair messy. Jimin does the same, his hair messy as well.

"Jimin. I want to tell you about my old pack. I'm trusting you with this information, so please don't tell anyone else ok? If you do, I won't be able to trust you anymore." He nods,
and makes a big deal out of showing he won't tell by zipping his lips shut and throwing the key away.
"It was terrible honestly. Omegas were treated like shit. Betas were treated like they weren't allowed to feel. Alpha's were treated like kings."

"I was 13, and I didn't know that I was going to present as an alpha. I was more on the weaker side, and some people assumed I would become an omega. I enjoyed feminine clothes a lot too, and that just fed into those ideas.
They treated me like I was worthless. Multiple alphas wanted to sleep with me, a minor just because it was assumed that I was going to present as an omega." I didn't need to look at Jimin's face to know he looked horrified.
"Thankfully they didn't have sex with me, but they tried. I was never raped, but I couldn't say the same for the other omegas.

There was this- this fire incident that was brought up when Jaewa died. It was where Jaewa threw me into a pit of fire. Only my eye and back were scarred. My entire body was scarred actually,
but I was drowned in special water after that took most of it away. To this day I have no idea what it was."
I looked at Jimin, and he was crying. My eyes widen and I reach out a hand towards him, watching as he accepts it. "That's so so horrible." I nod, trying not to be affected.

"I blamed Jaewa for years, but I forgave her. If she didn't do it she would've been killed. I'd rather be burned than have her dead, but it happened anway." I go silent. "At the time I was 15 and she was 17 so she's responsible, but I can't fully blame it on her.
The reason I was thrown into the fire by her was because at 15 I started to grow some muscle, and so they started to think that I would become a beta. My voice got deeper too.
I refused to breed the omegas that went through puberty, and that was my punishment. The pack was terrible. I was ashamed I was from there, still am."

Jimin hugged me again, crying into my shoulder. "I feel like that happened to me, and I cannot imagine the pain that you went through. And then we added onto it. Yoongi I am so sorry, I wish I could take back what I didn't stop."
Jimin sobbed, and I held him while looking up at the ceiling. He was guilty. Good. He should feel guilty. He's apologized so many times in the past five years that I can't even count them.

I can't forgive him for what he did, but maybe I can forgive him as a person.

He's changed.



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