1. Moon

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As I laid awake on my back, my eyes were on the moon, watching as it shone brightly in the sky. It was beautiful tonight, just like any other night when it shined. A tear slipped out of my lidded eyes, running down my cheek.
It was a tear of regret, hurt, betrayal, pain, all of what I felt on the daily. I smiled though, knowing that it was going to be ok. The dreams of the man on the cliff would soon soothe away my pain and sorrow.
I let my eyes close, slowly but surely feeling myself slip into the dream world, the quietness around me helping. I felt darkness surround me, and soon enough, I was asleep.

"I told you no #####!!! I don't want to! It's too much, and I want to wait."
"But #####-"
"Just let me fucking wait ok!!"
The beautiful man had tears in his eyes. They held sorrow and hope, a mix I thought I would never see.
"Six months." He said firmly.
"I just want to wait six months ok!! That's when I'll take my position, so then you can throw her at my feet! Then!"

"I'm sorry it's this way, it usually happens. I'm sorry you have to suffer."
He looks away. The person walks away, leaving him to sit on the cliff alone.
He watches the moon silently, the wind blowing through his neatly placed hair.

"F-uck." The mans voice cracks.
"I'll find you, no matter what."

I then wake up.
It was daytime, the birds chirping in the trees around me. I slept on the same cliff that I saw him on, hoping to find him. I had no luck whatsoever.
My infatuation with the moon began with him.
Ever since he stared at the moon with so much love and hope, I did the same. I hope that I would be forgiven by my old pack. I also hoped that I would find my mate.
It happened to most people, but I must be one of the unlucky ones. That same dream has been replayed to me for about a month and a half, starting after I got chased by an unknown pack.

Ever since it's never left me.
Standing up, I stretch my bones and take my clothes off, putting them into a bag that I loosely tie around a tree.
I'm only in my human form when my wolf gets really tired, seeing no reason to be in it all the time when I'm in a forest full of wolves.
It's also easier to eat,
seeing as I'm able consume raw meat without getting sick in my wolf form too. After I transforme into my average grey wolf, I start to walk.

The bag was firmly still around the tree. Not tight, but enough for it not to come off easily.
I took a few slow steps to get used to the feeling again, and I start to take off running.
I wasn't hungry now, so I zipped past small animals without a glance.
I didn't really know the territory around the packs, so I was often chased by wolves a lot who only stopped once I got to the edge of their pack grounds.
That being right now. I heard familiar growls behind me, but fear didn't slip into my system. I was used to chases, so I don't need to be scared if I knew how to escape every time.

I ran in a straight line, letting the boarder wolves gather into a pack behind me. I didn't let fear consume me, not letting it consume my scent, confusing some wolves, given away by some of their howls and barks.

I knew that they'd be right on my trail, so I ran into the part of the forest where there were multiple trees gathered, only being a yard apart.
I dipped and dashed in between them easily, while the lower ranked and weaker wolves started to slow down.
The smell of rotten flesh and blood came and went, bodies littering some trees because of their stupidity. Did I forget to mention that a curse was put upon this part of the forest?

It belongs to no one, but anyone who enters who holds fear will die. Some know the tale, some don't.
A woman who went by the name Phana was running away from a pack of wolves who wanted to eat her.
They chased her and her friends all the way to this part of the forest. Her friends died because the savage and bloodthirsty wolves could sense their fear. As she ran through the thick trees, she began to hate fear all together. Fear killed her friends, ruined her life.

She started to glow and she levitated above land, chanting a sacred curse that only Ancients knew. The wolves grew fearful and started to run away. They didn't make it far, their fear keeping them there.
As the curse was cast, they all died a painful death. I let out a deathly growl, feeling some wolves submit, fear in their scents. Pained howls started to become common from all around me, my head held high as I continued to dodge trees, seeing the end of it.
I reach it, feeling tired from all the running I did. I didn't really feel bad, knowing that those wolves came from the ruthless pack that killed all children that weren't Alphas before the age of nine.

I spun into a circle, slowly letting my body drop to the ground. I was curled up, feeling as if I needed to sleep.
I've never reached the end of the cursed part of the forrest before, so it was new to me how tired one could become from running in it.
Letting my eyes close, I started to hear a whisper in my ear.
It made me relax more, panicking me. I couldn't react at all. Before I could act on it, my eyes dropped and I fell asleep.


Well shit🤡
Here's another fucking story!!
This one really interests me, so please take the time to read!


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