[8] "It wasn't about you."

Start from the beginning


Desiree walked into her first period class late. Being tardy was becoming a new hobby for her. She thought it was amusing that she set an alarm for 6pm instead of 6am, her dad didn't crack a smile when he came to pick her up.

Desiree approached the teacher and provided him her schedule. It took her a little while to find Mr. Black's history class.

"You weren't here Monday," he commented.

"I started Tuesday."

"Well don't make a habit of it." He grabbed an extra textbook and handed it to her. "Find any available seat.

Desiree only saw a few open seats. She avoided the two that were in the front row and opted for a seat in the middle. She sat down and pulled out her notebook to take notes.

Mr. Black lectured for the first half of the class and then assigned a chapter review from the book. Desiree was working diligently and quietly when the girl next to her tapped her shoulder.

"Yes?" she asked looking over at the other girl.

"What's your name newbie? I'm Jayda."

Desiree started working again but still answered the question. "Desiree."

"Desiree," the girl repeated. She let the name flow off her tongue as she tried to remember if she had heard it before. "I feel like I should know you but I don't know from where. I saw you on Monday with your parents."

"I'm not from here."

"Hmmm. Well how are you liking our fine lone star state?" she asked with a smile.

"It's fine. I need to really finish my work," Desiree stated before focusing on her book.

The girl slapped a piece of paper down in front of her. "Here, my boyfriend had this class first period."

Desiree took the paper unsure on if she should copy it. She scrutinized the work to make sure it was correct.

"He's not stupid."

She blushed a little. "Sorry, my parents expect a lot from me."

"Mine too. They want me and my cousins to be successful...blah blah blah. So any boys try to spit game?"

Desiree was confused. "Huh?"

"Step to you? Mack on you?"

It was obvious that Desiree was still confused so she tried again.


"Oh! Yes, a few have."

Jayda was amazed. "Where in the hell are you from?" she said a little too loud. Mr. Black shushed her so she shushed him back. "Yeah yeah yeah, I'll keep it down."

"Miss Adams," he chastised.

"Mr. Black," she repeated.

Desiree watched as the teacher took a deep breath.

"I can't believe you talk to the teacher like that."

"He's knows better then to mess with me," she replied. "So...boys?"

Desiree face slumped. "There was one I thought was nice but I saw him today with his girlfriend. They came out of the storage closet together." She seen enough movies to know what happened in closets at school. Afterwards, she watched them walk away hand and hand.

"Well fuck him. You're the new girl, you're the next best thing after a freshmen virgin."

A guy on the other side of Desiree agreed. "She's right," he said while nodding his head.

Desiree faced flamed.

Jayda laughed. "What's his name?"


"Keep up." She rolled her eyes. "The nice boy." What's his name?"

Desiree tried to remember his full name but couldn't remember. "Teddy."

Jayda shook her head. "Teddy doesn't have a girlfriend."

"Are you positive?"

"As positive as Brenda's pregnancy test."

Desiree cocked her head to the side. "Who's Brenda?"

Jayda pointed to the back of the room. "The chick that's trying to hide her baby bump under a bubble jacket. It's fuckin 80 degrees outside, she ain't foolin nobody."

She looked back and saw the skinny fair skinned girl in the back of the room. "You're very blunt," Desiree concluded.

Jayda shrugged her shoulder. "Sorry, my aunt babysat me until I started school. I picked up on a few habits."


Jayda smiled. "So what girl did you see Teddy with?"

"I don't know her?"

"Give me the demos?"

"I don't understand?"

Jayda sighed. "It's a thing we do here. We give demos...what does she look like?"

She thought about the girl she saw Teddy talking to. "Tall, a little darker than me but lighter then you. No offense."

"None taken, I love the skin I'm in."

"She had long curly hair and they were holding hands." The same way he was holding her hand yesterday.

Jayda realized who she was talking about. Teddy only really hung out with two girls. London and Nevaeh. London was normally attached to Chris so Desiree had to be talking about Vay. "That's not his girlfriend. They have this weird Dawson and Joey relationship."


"They're just best friends. It's odd but true. They've never been together and they used to sleep in the same bed."


"They didn't skeet on one another."

"Miss Adams, I need for you to stop talking," Mr. Black interrupted.

Jayda looked back at the teacher. "You want me to stop talking? Me? Everyone knows that I'm a social butterfly and I plan on using my excellent verbal skills to become a famous reporter or journalist. Are you going to hinder my skills?"

"You're disturbing the class."

She snorted. "Technically sir, you're disturbing the class. We were having a private conversation and then you called me out." Jayda looked around the room and she lowered her voice. "Now the whole class is looking at us," she stated in a patronizing tone. "This is your fault. I'm just trying to help the new girl out. Do you really want her first two days at our school to end in a disaster because you wouldn't allow me to give her advice? Shame on you Mr. Black."

Mr. Black felt the pounding pain of a headache forming. Students like Jayda Adams made his job so much harder than it needed to be. He was happy when the bell signaled the end of class.

Jayda grabbed her things and winked at Mr. Black before walking out of the class. She grabbed onto Desiree before she could get away. "During lunch, you're sitting with me."

"Ok-ay but why?"

Jayda giggled. "I'm making you my new friend. Bye newbie."

Desiree pulled her schedule out and turned to walk to her next class. Not paying attention, she bumped into the lockers. A warm body was there to catch her before she fell.

"I'm sorry," she apologized.

"Don't worry about it."

Desiree turned and came face to face with Sammie. "Hi." Hi? That's the best you have to say?

"Hi." He mocked. "Today's must be my lucky day. I've been thinking about you since Monday, where are you headed?"

"I don't have a clue," she admitted.

Sammie took her schedule. "Well let me show you the way."

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