Chapter 42

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So, maybe the reason Derek kisses Stiles is mostly due to the fear he had today that he was going to lose him, it made him a bit bold. He finds he doesn't regret it though, Stiles' lips are soft, and he kisses Derek with all he has.

Stiles deepens the kiss further, pressing into Derek's chest, and Derek feels like his knees might buckle. Stiles pushes him backward until he hits the wall.

Stiles hand is cupping the side of his face with one hand, while the other hand is above his ribs. Stiles' tongue darts forward, and his hand goes under Derek's shirt, just letting his hand rest there, feeling Derek's skin.

They part to take a breath. They're both panting, and Stiles' eyes look golden in the light, they're beautiful. He's beautiful, Derek is glad the wall is behind him, so he can see lean against it. Derek flips them so Stiles is against the wall instead of him.

Derek kisses Stiles again, he can't help it, but this time it's slow and soft. It's tender, and Derek hopes it conveys how much he feels for Stiles, he wants to tell Stiles he loves him, but for some reason the words won't come. So, he puts it all into the kiss.

Stiles swipes his tongue across Derek's lips, grinning. Derek growls softly, he pushes Stiles further into the wall, deepening the kiss, Stiles wraps his arms around Derek's neck, pulling him closer. Stiles groans into the kiss, mouth opening further, Derek uses that to deepen the kiss more.

They part again, to breathe, but Derek just kisses along Stiles' neck, smirking.

"Derek," Stiles moans, and Derek grins. Derek starts to nip at Stiles' skin, relishing in the sounds Stiles lets slip. Derek makes sure to leave a couple of marks on Stiles' pale skin.

Stiles bares his neck, so Derek has more access, it makes Derek whine. Stiles baring his neck means he trusts Derek, even though Stiles is an Alpha, he willingly bares his neck for Derek. Derek grins into Stiles neck, biting down gently where Stiles' pulse point is. Stiles mewls, and grabs at Derek's shirt tightly.

"Would you two get a room." Peter teases, Derek didn't even hear him come downstairs, judging by Stiles' little jump, he didn't either.

"Oh shush." Stiles pouts, Peter laughs at his expression.

"Seriously, I was beginning to wonder what the hell you two were doing." Peter comments, Derek shrugs.

"Guess you figured it out, or did you come downstairs to figure it out?" Derek inquires, and grins when Peter scowls at him.

"Anyway, I'm trying to read so keep it down." Peter complains, and it's Derek's turn to scowl.

"No promises." Stiles winks at Peter, and smirks at Derek's expression.

Peter shakes his head, muttering about kids these day, while he heads up the staircase. Stiles snickers, and Derek can feel his amusement through the pack bond. Stiles checks the clock on the wall, and sighs.

"We should probably go to bed Derek." Stiles suggests, and Derek raises a brow. "No, nope. Get your head out of the gutter Sourwolf." Stiles grins, and Derek pouts playfully.

"Fine, I guess you're such an old man that you need your sleep." Derek shrugs, and Stiles raises a brow.

"Oh? And here I thought you were the old man," Stiles smirks, and then shrugs. "But if your so energetic, race you to the room!" Stiles declares as he races up the stairs.

Derek stands for a second, before darting after Stiles with a frown.

"Stiles, you little cheater, get back here!" Derek shouts, and Stiles laughs over his shoulder, a big smile lighting up his face.

It almost distracts Derek enough to make him stop running, but after staring for a second, he puts on a bit more speed. Stiles is crossing the doorway to Derek's bedroom when Derek finally catches up, Derek won't let the little cheater win.

Derek speeds up, tackling Stiles so they land on the floor, Stiles on the floor below him. He's laughing, head thrown back against the floor, panting, and out of breath. Derek is seriously really in love with this dork, he can't help letting his own giggle join Stiles' they can hear Peter muttering about them being too loud. It makes them laugh harder.

Stiles is staring at him when Derek's laugh subsides, and Derek blinks down at him with a shy smile. Stiles reaches up and cups a hand to the back of Derek's neck pulling him down, while he meets Derek in the middle.

Stiles kisses him again, it's fiercer and a little awkward. Their teeth bumping, and at one point Stiles even pulls Derek's lip down with his teeth. It makes Derek crazy, Stiles' scent is addicting, and spiking with arousal.

Stiles wraps his legs around Derek waist and pulls him further down, Derek groans into the kiss, Stiles uses that opportunity to push his tongue into Derek's mouth. Sweeping it across Derek's own tongue. Derek hips move forward, and Stiles groans, scent becoming stronger.

Stiles' own hips buck up, and Derek can feel his eyes flash. Stiles is driving him crazy, it's over as quickly as it started. Leaving them panting, and spent. They change into sweat pants, and lay in bed together.

"Derek?" Stiles whispers into his chest, they've moved to Derek's bed, cuddled under the blankets.

"Hmm?" Derek hums questioningly, and Stiles shifts, his scent spiking with anxiety.

"Was this, I mean. Did this mean anything to you? Or was it like a one time thing?" Stiles questions quietly, Derek swallows, because Derek can tell him now.

He can tell Stiles how he really feels, tell him he loves him. By the anxiety in Stiles' voice, he thinks Derek will reject him, it makes Derek almost sad that Stiles thinks he would reject him. That he could reject him.

Derek shifts so they're facing each other, and Derek can make eye contact with Stiles.

"This meant everything to me, I mean, what I'm trying to say is, that I'm in love with you Stiles. I want you. And if those feelings aren't mutual that's okay, I'm fine with that." Derek blabbers, letting out a sigh before he cups Stiles cheek, thumb running against his cheekbone gently.

"I love you, Stiles Stilinski. I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to cuddle you. I want to love you." Derek whispers fondly. Stiles eyes are wide, and his expression surprised.

Tears well up in his eyes, and Derek's worried for a second that Stiles doesn't feel the same way, is upset because he's going to have to break Derek's heart. But always one for surprises, Stiles smiles. A shaky smile, that is wide and something bordering on fond, it makes Derek's chest tighten.

"I love you, Derek Hale." Stiles breathes, and Derek sucks in a sharp breath. Did he just? He did, and Derek can't help the laugh that slips past his lips.

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