Chapter 61

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Satomi asks Stiles to meet up with her the day after they have their Get Your Feelings Out meeting, Derek mentioned the name and now Stiles is using it, sue him it's a good way of putting it. Stiles isn't sure why she wants to meet, least of all why she told him to bring the rest of the pack, Peter thinks maybe she wants an alliance with them, or that she wants to see the progress they've made as a pack since then. Stiles lets Satomi know that it isn't just Derek and Peter in his pack anymore, that a couple more have joined, and while she seems surprised by this news she assures him that it's fine to bring these new pack members.

Stiles is curious about what she has planned, but him and his wolf trusts her, as another Alpha to not harm their pack without a reason. Stiles wonders if she'd ever help him train the pups, cause while they might have control, it's very minimal and Scott is surprisingly the only one out of all the pups to have control that might match Peter's.

Stiles does intend to train them all anyways, maybe not the same way he did with Scott, but Derek and Peter can also offer a hand with that. Stiles hopes that by helping them gain control he will have an easier time, he won't have to worry about them wolfing out when their emotions are really high, or if someone sets them off. 

"If she was wanting to make an alliance with us wouldn't she have to tell me that before inviting us over?" Stiles asks Peter while they're getting ready to head over to her territory.

"Not necessarily, she might want to have her pack meet ours and make sure we all get along, to see how you interact with your Betas, and how much control you have over them." Peter explains and Stiles frowns.

"I don't like thinking that I can control any of you." He mutters and Peter smiles fondly.

"I know, it's more like how a parent controls their child's behavior, if that helps any." Stiles brightens, and Peter turns his head to hide his grin.

"Yes, actually, that helps plenty. Thank you CreeperWolf." Peter makes an alarmed sound at the nickname and Stiles grins broadly. 

"I am not a creeper." Peter pouts and Stiles laughs.

"Please, you followed Scott around after turning him and began stalking other potential people you thought you could turn." Stiles replies and Peter stares at him mouth agape, Stiles laughs again.


Satomi is very welcoming and it's making Stiles a little nervous, it's not that she isn't normally welcoming, but this seems a little more than usual. Stiles introduces all of his pack to her first, has them acknowledge her rank, and then allows Satomi to introduce her pack to Stiles. After that's over, Stiles and Satomi tell their packs to introduce themselves to each other.

Stiles and Satomi move to the sidelines and observe their pack while they chat. Stiles wonders if it would be impolite to question why she asked them to come here, and decides that he's a blabber mouth that is way too curious for his own good.

"So, was there a specific reason you asked us here, not that I don't enjoy your company or anything." Stiles reassures and Satomi smiles at him, looking far from offended.

"I was wondering when you'd ask," She grins a little before turning serious again. "Yes, I wanted to offer you an alliance between our packs, but I wanted to make sure that our packs would get along first. That's why I didn't offer it along with my invitation to come here." Satomi smiles again, her eyes crinkling lightly. 

"Yeah, Peter mentioned it's something other Alpha's do before asking for an alliance. I'm glad to accept the offer should our packs get along, and it's shown that our pack dynamics are as they should be." Stiles responds with a smile of his own. 

"So far, they seem to still be a little wary of each other, but they are trying to open up." Satomi observers, Stiles glances and sees how they don't go far from each other. 

Peter is talking to Satomi's right hand guy, they seem to be getting along pretty well and Scott seems to be talking to someone around their age. Boyd stays close to Erica and doesn't say much of anything, while Erica chats with a pretty girl that also seems around their age. Derek, Isaac and Liam seem to be grouped together, but Liam isn't really talking to anyone and seems a bit nervous. Isaac seems a little jumpier than usual, which causes Derek to stick close to Isaac, especially when he catches a jump, or flinch from him. 

Stiles sighs as he watches them, Stiles isn't sure but he has a feeling Isaac and Liam while take longer than the others to really get to know these people and be comfortable with them. Lydia seems immersed in a conversation with a guy from Satomi's pack and Stiles smiles at the interaction. Kira sticks close to Scott and looks a little unsure, she's probably feeling weird considering she's the only non wolf there, besides Lydia. 

"I think they'll learn to get along though, maybe if we had them interact more, let them build trust." Stiles suggests, glancing over at Satomi, who's already watching him.

"That sounds like it will work, my pack is used to interacting with others, we've have many alliances and have done this before. It may take your pack a little bit longer than mine to get used to interacting with wolves they've just met." Satomi reasons and Stiles nods.

"Yeah, I agree with that, also some of my pack might just be a little nervous about meeting new wolves, or messing up the alliance with your pack." Stiles mentions with a frown directed at Liam, he's looking a little cornered right now. "Sorry, Alpha Satomi, just give me one second." Stiles excuses himself and takes his leave at Satomi's nod.

Stiles makes his way over to Liam and sends reassurance through their pack bonds, most of the pack members who had tense muscles, or looked nervous relax a little bit. But for some reason it looks like Liam is panicking a little bit more.

"Liam, is everything alright?" Stiles questions and Liam is now sending him a panicked look, eyes flashing.

"I can't do this," He whispers and Stiles frowns. "My wolf is going a bit crazy and I don't want to ruin this." Liam's eyes stay gold this time, and Stiles nods.

"Okay, it's alright. You're not going to ruin anything, and no one else thinks you will. Just take a breathe Liam, okay. Let's do our mantra, what three things cannot long be hidden." Stiles replies reaching out and grabbing the back of his neck lightly.

"The sun, the moon and the truth." Liam responds leaning into his touch, and Stiles smiles at him.

"That's good, now repeat it to yourself and let all your muscles loosen, I've got you. Everything's okay." Stiles squeezes the back of Liam's neck gently and listens to his heart beat as he begins to repeat it to himself.

Slowly his heart rate begins to slow and Stiles sends his pride and affection through the bond, only directed at Liam's bond to him this time. Liam beams up at him and Stiles presses their foreheads together for a minute and rubbing his thumb along the back of his neck to scent mark him, to make sure he's okay. 

Liam's scent changes from the panicked one, to one of calmness and pride. Stiles smiles at him softly and tells him to go find someone to chat with for a bit. Liam bounds off and begins looking for someone to talk to without complaint, the calmness echos down their bond and Stiles smiles again.

He doesn't notice how Satomi is watching the whole interaction with a soft, approving smile.

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