Sci's not paid enough to deal with this (1)

Start from the beginning

"Don't forget that there is still time."

"That's true" agreed Choice. It was an easy answer that had the potential to calm the ambient, as Error had been good at his job and there were no AUs on danger of collapse.They loathed to admit it, as the glitch could be considered family on a sense and what happened to the skeleton was unfair, but Fate had chosen a good Destroyer for the main balance. "Right now, we're at an impasse."

An impasse of sorts, though. It was true Ink hadn't been creating AUs since he noticed Error missing, but the whole point of Error's existence as a Destroyer had been caused by the tipping balance. It was still leaning towards the Creation side, something that couldn't be allowed for long, even if the amount was considerably less worrying.

"Not for much longer and you know that. That's why we're here" Fate snarled, pointing their finger towards the youngest. The three were aware this inaction couldn't be kept, they needed to act as soon as possible before the Multiverse went up in flames. They hadn't caused what Fate's chosen's friend and mate, Dream, had labeled as the Multiverse Reversion. That was a direct repercussion of the abuse the codes had suffered, having to adapt to such sudden changes of management. The prolonged effect, on the other hand, had been their failed attempt at damage control. "We're running out of time to act. You out of all of us, should know this. Isn't that right, Choice?"

Destiny glared at the white figure."Fate, stop it."

"No, I want to hear what they have to say to defend themselves."

"We always make choices" even voice and calming gestures, it seemed to work on Destiny and just make Fate even madder. Gosh, did their sibling have anger issues."Even the act of avoiding the problem and inaction is still a choice."

"You know what I mean" Fate hissed through gritted teeth.

The black deity chose not to comment.They were always overlooked and they had everything to loose if they decided to stand up for themselves against the oldest of the three.As the youngest, their hold on the Multiverse, their very own Voice, was less than those of Fate and Destiny. Even if they were just as powerful as the other two.

Sadly, being the deity with less holdover Multiverse affairs also meant more responsibilities, which also meant less time to strike back at their siblings. Choice was strong and disciplined enough to rule alone and everyone knew that, but that point was moot on these encounters.

It was always better to leave Fate andDestiny to fight each other than to intercept. Why couldn't Choice have their very own Multiverse? Sharing this one only cause fights between the three Guardian Deities.

"Why are you always like this.It's like you're asking to be hated."

"I do not care for the Voices' approval" Fate hissed. "I have a role to play and I shall do so. After all, there is no cost too great."

"Mimimi" Destiny mocked, childish. And people wondered why Error acted like a man child most of the time. Like parent, like chosen.

"Why you-"

"To be fair, Fate does have a point" Choice butted in. Yes, they wanted Destiny and Fate to battle it out on their own, but their yappering voices were just too annoying. They needed to reach a decision before they were interrupted. "We all have a role to play. Right now, though, there is a temporal status quo."

That shut Destiny up quickly and causedFate to stop, consideringly analyzing the situation. The silence brought the somber and serious mood back, thankfully.

"Right. With Ink not creating and all, looking for the Destroyer."

"You know it can't stay like that."

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