Chapter 1: As the leaves turn golden

Start from the beginning

I nodded and smiled. 'It was a pleasure to meet you..' said Jasper, a smirk on his lips. My cheeks flushed.

'And y/n really is a beautiful name..' whispered Jasper before walking away. A huge smile came to my lips.. No one had ever been that nice to me before. I went to turn to the table the Cullens were sitting at and my eyes instantly connected with Jaspers, I looked away embarrassed. But I could still feel his eyes staring at my back.

Lunch was soon over and I went to my next class which was Biology.

I always sat near the window at the back of the class and I always sat alone. Entering the familiar classroom I sat down at my seat and got out my book and pencil case. Soft Rain began to hit the window, giving a relaxing and calm ambience.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my anxiety before the class started. I gazed out of the window and held my gaze on the trees that were nearby. A few golden leaves fell onto the ground graciously. I rested my head on the desk and I felt my nerves soon calm down, I smiled faintly.

Alice and Jasper had entered the room without me noticing.

Alice gave Jasper a warm smile before sitting towards the front. Jasper took a deep breath before heading over to my table. I didn't notice that he was there until I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and blushed instantly.

'Sorry Jasper, I didn't see you there' I said, suddenly nervous again.

He smiled a warm smile that warmed my heart.

'Do you mind if I sit by you? All the other seats are full' said Jasper.

I looked around to the room to find plenty of empty seats.. So he wanted to sit with me on purpose.. I swooned at the thought and just nodded in return. He smirked and sat down in the seat next to me.


Jasper's pov

The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. I had no time to think of anything before Alice spoke. 'You can do it Jaz, you won't hurt her.. She's slowly falling for you' whispered Alice. Alice's words made me feel uneasy but I nodded in her direction. I looked towards Edward, he looked back at me knowing what I wanted to know.

'She wants to get the day over with, she thought your encounter before was strange but she was overly joyed by your compliment' said Edward. I smiled now, knowing that she was somehow falling for me as I was for her.

'Don't get too overexcited, you only just met her now' chimed Emmet.

'Exactly, not another human' said Rosalie in a disgusted voice.

I almost growled at her tone but held back, Edward read my thoughts of anger towards her and he gave me a look as if to say, I know the feeling. We all scattered except for me and Alice that were now heading for Biology. Y/n would be there.

I could sense her worrying as I made it near the classroom door, I immediately sent calm emotions her way and she smiled faintly while looking out the window. I shouldn't feel this way about her.. She's too fragile.. To pure.. She deserves someone that can give her everything.

As I made my way towards her table Alice gave me a smile of encouragement. I took a deep breath, breathing in her sweet sense before walking closer. Her gaze was still glued to the outside so I coughed to let her know of my presence.

She looked up at me almost instantly, her cheeks going to red colour.

'Sorry Jasper, I didn't see you there' she said in an anxious voice. I felt her getting nervous again. I smiled at her lovingly and she smiled in return, I felt her swoon at my smile.

Fire and Ice - Jacob x reader x JasperWhere stories live. Discover now