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Love was not on my to-do list

And maybe even friendship too

But the day I met you

I didn't even have a clue

That soon every list

Would be lost in the blue

If someone asks me today

To describe my journey with you

I'd say it was unplanned

Yet strangely planned

Just like how time is always unknown

But a tide still reaches the shore

It wasn't a roller coaster with you

Full of excitement, thrill

And adrenaline rush

No, instead it was smooth and slow

Like a sip of hot chocolate

Warming our soul

In the mornings that

Turned us to snow

It started with friendship

An unbreakable camaraderie

Between us two, we had a world

That everything else seemed blurry

I wonder when I fell in love with you

Everyday searching for the answer

It was right in front of me

Yet I couldn't see it through

They say, love starts with yourself

I never understood it until you

But now I know

How to travel the long distance

From I to U and U to I

JKLMNOPQRST each making me realize

That you are me and I am you

And in this vast world of choices

I'll always choose you

It sometimes felt surreal

All my moments with you

Making me wonder

Is this all true?

But your love never betrayed me

Proving that indeed everything is true

We laughed and we cried

Fought and made up a million times

Crossed each obstacle

Hand in hand, with a bright smile

There were times when our grip became loose

Or times when we held too tight

Yet what outshined was that we never

Let go of each other no matter the plight

We fought together every battle in our sight

And that is how our love took flight

I was captivated

By everything that made you "you"

The sound of your joyful laughter

That mischievous slow smile

The gleam in your eyes

It all felt like sunshine

Soon I was treading along with you

Singing and walking miles

On the roads inside

Of both you and I

And then I realized,

I wasn't lost

Until I was found

I wasn't sad

Until I was happy

I wasn't living

Until you came along

And I had nothing to lose

Until I had you

You raised me up

Higher than I've known

And I couldn't be more happy

In all that we have been through

I love you

And can only give you a promise in return

A promise to stay by your side forever

A promise to walk along with you in any weather

A promise to love you like no another

And a promise to make you smile brighter

Always and forever.

Withering petals of my hurting heartKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat