A dream I had

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It's raining again

The drops of crimson

Covering my skin

I look up, trying in vain

To see through the bodies

And all their pain

Searching for the sky

That might be lighted

With hues of orange

As dusk arrived

But I couldn't cut through

The more I pull

The more they appear

My hands are now shaking

My ligaments about to tear

Just like my spirits, unable to bear

Such a gruesome sight

So, I stand, a shiver in my bones

My teeth clattering from the cold

My eyes dry just like my throat

My body wet, turning red

From all the blood that sticks

To my hands and legs

I look at the corpses at my feet

They look distraught and beat

Their eyes frozen in a state of agony

A resonating plea of mercy

Forever etched on their body

It makes me want to cry

Seeing them die

Such cruel deaths

It makes me want to hate

Myself for doing this

To those innocent lives

But the world is a selfish place

And everybody wants to survive

I am doing the same, aren't I?

Trying to survive despite all these crimes

I look up,

Countless bodies floating above

Spitting blood onto me

Like angry clouds bursting out cries of agony

I try to bring my hands to cut more

To see the clear sky once more

But they won't move anymore

Because my hands are tired

Just like my soul

I want to scream

Beg for mercy just like all these corpses down below

Wasn't I the one who was tortured first? So, doesn't it make sense for me to blow them up

But nothing comes out of my parched throat

I hear a loud creak

As I fall, my knees breaking

Aftereffects of being so strong all along

Still no sound leaves me

It's like I cannot speak anymore

I lie there facing above

Soaking in the blood

Of all the people I've hurt

A fatigue comes over me

A sort of numb spreading free

I did my best, didn't I?

So now I think I can leave

I try to smile one last time

To show that I wasn't lost

I fought my battle

To the end I know

But now I am just too tired

To keep going on

That is why I'll close my eyes

And smile

As my soul flutters away and

My body rots away in the cold.

Withering petals of my hurting heartWhere stories live. Discover now