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Standing on the edge of night

I am wondering what might

Will help me feel light

From this burden of life

Going in and going out

Can't seem to figure my route

This pain is breaking me into

A million pieces with no doubt

Defining my life in puzzles

Never thought I would suffer

The consequences of cruel desire

My demons alert not in mood to retire

Sometimes when I see myself

The haunted look brings utter despair

I do not remember seeing vibrancy there

But yeah life couldn't be more unfair

I know what I am capable of

I can burn everything to ashes

And make everyone sob

For the treasure lost

But I can also bring sunshine

To homes where night prevails

So that people can mine

Happiness instead of pain

I don't think I could be anymore insane

With thoughts of death plaguing

My mind like an inevitable disease

Forcing me to do something to make my heart cease

I wish I can be relieved of this uncontrollable pain

I wish I could free my mind of all its bane

I wish I could feel happy to hear the heart beats in my chest

Instead of regretting why I was still breathing when I should be dead.

Withering petals of my hurting heartWhere stories live. Discover now