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Zayn was now 9 months pregnant and Liam had now officially quit his job at the office but he hadn't gotten another job because he wanted to stay home with Zayn and their baby for a while Zayn was waddling around the house much to Liam annoyance he wanted Zayn to just sit down and rest until the baby came but Zayn didn't want to he got bored sitting for a minute

Liam was currently out with Louis and Eddie which took Zayn almost an hour to convince him that it was ok to leave him alone for an hour besides he wasn't alone he was with Harry and Zia, Zia looked more like Harry while Eddie looked more Louis Zayn thinks as he looks at Zia who is sleeping in his arms

"She looks like you," Zayn says looking up at Harry
"you think?" Harry said back
"yeah," Zayn said
"who do you think alpaca will look like," Harry asks and Zayn chuckles at the way Harry says Alpaca
"1. don't say Alpaca like that it is not his actual name," Zayn says receiving a playful glare from Harry who now has Zia in some sort of swinging cradle he bought over "but I think he'll look like Liam," Zayn says thinking about it
"Do you think he will or just want him too?" Harry asks quirking his eyebrow
"both" Zayn replies as he struggles to stand up from the couch by himself he usually had Liam to help him while laughing at him and telling him he was like an egg but a cute egg

Soon Liam called and asked if the three of them wanted to meet the three of them to get ice cream and maybe some lunch which he agreed telling him they'll meet them in 10-15 but it might be closer to 30 with Zayn slow waddle and the fact he needs help to get to a lot of places like the car and the fact they have a crying baby in the backseat and Zayn can't wait to hear his own baby's cry which he will hopefully in a few weeks or maybe even days

"Hey baby let me help you out there," Liam said as he saw Zayn waddling over to the little cafe that Louis, Liam and Eddie were as they all said their hellos and sat down Eddie moved around the table to sit next to his little sister and just looking at her over the top of the car seat

"I miss ou," Eddie says as all the adult's awe at how cute he is Eddie just sits down on Louis lap because he was sitting next to Zia and then start to play with the little hair on the top of her head

after a long time of talking about random things mostly around the baby due to come any day now and Harry and Louis trying to figure out or get Liam and Zayn to tell them his name but failing they decide to go home, Liam and Zayn have to walk to the car park just around the back Liam had his arm around Zayn's back rubbing it slightly as they walked the short walk only to be stoped by a stranger only when Liam looked up to look at the person he wasn't a stranger it was Niall

"Hey bro, long time no see," He said extending his hand out for Liam to shake but Liam just scoffed
"1. don't call me bro and 2. there is a reason for that," he said as he started walking towards the car but Niall caught up with them obviously still wanting to talk for some reason

"I am sorry for what I said lad, you know that," Niall said rolling his eyes "besides looks like you already have a kid" he added gesturing to Zayn making Liam tell him to leave and go into the car which was only a few metres away Zayn nodded kissing Liam on the cheek before leaving

"yeah I do so why don't you kindly fuck off," Liam said not being careful now that Zayn was gone even though he was probably watching

"no I won't," Niall said and Liam glared at him "because I could do so much better then he can I know about your little sex ban and I could help you out if you know what I mean"

"two things first can how do you know about that? and second, we had sex last week and it was better then you could have even though he is nine months pregnant" Liam said wanting to storm off but stayed because he wanted to hear Niall's response

"you know what we should is a partner swap," Niall says with a smirk and it makes Liam very confused "you know you and I and Zayn and" Niall trailed off for some sort of dramatic effect "Perrie" Niall finishes and then it hits Liam why Perrie had been so quiet recently it was because she was 'dating' she got all sorts of information from him the thought makes Liam sick so he walks to the car giving Zayn a deep & possessive kiss and then kissing Alpaca before driving off without a word spoken between the pair

it was later that night Liam was in the shower trying to forget about what he found out today which he had since explained to Zayn and it made him want to throw up although he wasn't sure if it was the baby or the thought of Perrie and Niall getting together to stalk the pair

Zayn was in the kitchen cutting up some random vegetables he had found and then putting them into the oven as he turned around a pair of familiar arms wrapped around him he smiled but the smile faded as he felt a short but sharp pain from his lower stomach

"Baby what's wrong?" Liam asked noticing Zayn's mood change
"nothing he is just being very active today's all," Zayn said leaning onto the counter to try and balance himself

A/N loved writing this chapter. Hope you liked reading it! Sorry for the late update again :(
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