Chapter 42: I'll Bite You Too

Start from the beginning

"Mrs. Clevens how many times have we told you the remote isn't bulletproof you can't keep throwing it around." Dr. Hang shuffles over and picks up the remote putting it on her side table.

"Yeah, yeah," she grumbles.

"Emma and Luka this is Mrs. Clevens." Her eyes move toward our direction and then she stares us down.

"If you are here to try and put that diaper on me, I'll bite your fingers too," she retorts in a croaky voice.

I quickly glance at Luka who is suppressing a laugh.

"These two are college students that are considering interning here," Dr. Hang quickly informs her. She squints at us and then turns back to the television uninterested.

"Alright, have a nice rest of your day Mrs, Clevens. The nurses will be here to check your blood levels."

She grumbles under her breath and Dr. Hang escorts us out.

"So you are probably wondering why I took you into Mrs. Clevens' room. Now Mrs. Clevens is a nice lady," Dr. Hangs says and Lukas softly snickers at my side, but luckily Dr. Hang doesn't hear. "But she is also an example that some patients aren't always the most grateful and you'll have to be prepared to face that. But I'll show you a more interesting part of working here."

We go deeper into the long-term care unit before he pushes open two doors into a grand room full of equipment, doctors, and patients. Some patients look to be exercising and playing games.

"This is the physical therapy dayroom," Dr. Hang waves his hand displaying the wide-span room.

"Hello everyone! I have an announcement!" His voice booms. Everyone and I mean everyone turns to look at us.

"Some exciting news! We have some fresh students looking aboard to join our team." He bends down and whispers to me to introduce myself to the crowd. My mouth instantly goes dry. I lick my lips.

"Um, uh—"

"Hello! I am Luka Parks, a sophomore at Princeton and I hope I can intern here very soon. I am so thrilled to be here," Luka announces saving me. He finishes and looks back at me indicating it's my turn now after giving me the thirty seconds to gather myself.

"Hi-Hello I am Emma Barnes," I mutter.

Dr. Hang interrupts me to say, "Louder"

I lick my desert feeling lips again trying to summon a louder voice. "I a-am also a sophomore at university. Uh, Princeton university." I stop having nothing else coming to my brain as I absorb the rows of staring eyes. My hands are trembling. "I would like to intern here."

"Great!" He beams. "Thank you, we are going to keep up the tour I will check with you all of you later in the evening."

Everyone resumes back to their previous activity and Dr. Hang starts walking once again.

"So luckily here at Washington hospital, we have a long-term care facility. We have physical therapy and occupational therapy which I am glad to have the interns assist with. Many patients here are those who suffer from health issues of strokes, arthritis—"

My hands are still clamming up from that little speech I had to make. I can barely focus on what he is saying. Public speaking has never been my strong suit and when unprepared I become a wreck. Last semester, I took a clinical class and was perfectly fine during a birthing video and was the only student who aced charting and pulling blood from syringes. Yet, I can't keep my cool during a speech. Ughh, this is a complete disaster, this interview is highlighting all my weaknesses.

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