Easier said than done.

Wasn't the main character supposed to have a plot armour or something? Despite being a side character (an useless one, at that), Clarity thought she was at least worthy of a pity upgrade, considering everything she's been through.

"I mean come on, a university student without any combat experience, teleported into a mafia-based alternate universe—there's got to be something fundamentally wrong with that." Cursing the author once again, she snapped the portfolio binder shut and stood up from her hair.

The hand of the clock ticked systematically, it's rhythmic pattern drumming against Clarity's ears in this deafening silence. Realizing that it was almost the morning, she quietly made her way downstairs to make herself some coffee, careful to not disturb any of the members' sleep. Aside from her and three other housemaids, it always occurred to Clarity as strange as to why Bangtan did not hire more people in the vacant household.

"We don't question rich people logic, nor do we complain about the plotline," she grumbled to herself.

As she tottled down the spiraling, auburn stairs (which was totally unneeded extravagance), a shadow flashed behind her. At first, Clarity thought she was hallucinating, yet by the second time it brushed behind her back, she knew that it was another intruder.

Clarity's blood ran cold. Should she call for help? Make a run for it?

Before her mind could decide on either options, her speedy footsteps had already betrayed her as it carried the rest of her body, barely keeping balance as she skipped every three steps. Almost flying down the stairs, it suddenly occurred to Clarity that she was moving at a speed unforeseen through her nineteen years of living. Was her character setup? The muscle memory in her body?

Nonetheless, for the first time since her arrival in this book, Clarity felt competent.

"Oh my god. I can actually do this," she thought.

Turning around, she pivoted swiftly as she evaded a punch coming from the hooded silhouette, immediately retaliating herself with a powerful reversal kick. Clarity's dumbfounded expression matched the intruder's as her foot made impact with the opponent's head, sinking into his skull and straight up knocking the man unconscious. Successfully landing her move, she watched as he fell onto the ground.

Clarity gaped at the scene in front of her before manually pushing her mouth together.

"I did not just do that."

"Yes, you did."

Upon hearing the deep voice, Clarity spun around to see Taehyung emerged from behind the walls. Under the brimming moonlight, his bold features were softened by the translucent rays of light that landed softly onto his face. Unlike their last two encounters, Taehyung wasn't wearing a trench coat. Instead, his slim yet defined build was prominent under the black short sleeves that revealed his biceps.

"Clarity—don't drool," she thought to herself. Collecting her composure, she quickly grabbed a nearby rope and tied the intruder from the behind. "You were here all along?"

Ignoring her question, Taehyung crouched next to her, taking the rope out of her hands as he adroitly secured three loops around the man's unconscious body.

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