11: An Odd Yet Cute Secret

Start from the beginning

     Florence notices how Jorund is staring at her feet, he isn't being too subtle about it. His head is moving along with her feet, his gaze fixated on them. Wanting to prove herself wrong she crosses her ankles, only to see his eyes following the foot she is moving. This isn't the first time she has caught him looking at her feet. She can't help but feel self-conscious about the stares, and she has been doing her best to dismiss her worried thoughts as just that. But the constant glances and her mate quickly turning his head whenever she would call him is making this feeling hard to ignore. "Jorund," she pulls her feet off the coffee table and places them on the floor. Again she watches as his head follows her peds before he looks up at her, "is there something wrong with my feet? I mean, I catch you looking at them a lot. I know that they are big but that is something I just can't help. I can start wearing shoes if that would please you."

     "NO!" Jorund blurts out. All his mind can think of is how footwear would hide her feet and long toes. The opportunities of seeing her wrinkled sole would disappear. It takes him a moment to see the confused look on his wife's face as though she is silently demanding an explanation from him. "What I mean is… That is you don't…" He continues to stutter and stammer, trying to think of some excuse he can give her. With nothing coming to mind and the guilt of lying to her, he sighs in defeat. "There is something I should tell you about myself. I just hope that you will be able to love and accept me.

     "What is it?" Florence leans forward, eager to hear her mate's explanation.

     "You see, there is nothing wrong with your feet. In fact, the reason I keep staring at them is because..." He pauses for a moment, flashing back to the only other woman who became aware of his fondness for the female foot. The laughter and the ridicule playing in his head as though she is right next to him. "I like your feet." He flinches, expecting to hear the same type of laughter from the woman who is supposed to love him unconditionally. 

     "You like my feet?" Florence repeats. "What do you mean by that?"

     "It means that…" Jorund is finding it difficult to get the words out. His brain telling him what to say but his mouth refuses to articulate the words. He struggles to find his voice. "I find your beautiful feet to be very, very attractive."

     "Attractive?" The more she repeats the word in her head the more it all begins to make sense. He is always looking at her feet and the foot massages he has been giving her when her feet are sore from working. It is all coming together. But she still wants to confirm her conclusion, "As in sexually?"

      "Yes, sexually. I am sexually attracted to your feet," Jorund confirms. "I know, I know. It's weird to like feet, but I can't help it!" He closes his eyes and turns his head away from Florence, feeling ashamed. Then he feels something beneath his chin, lifting his head up and gently turning it. Opening his eyes he sees that his mate has a single, large finger beneath his chin, turning him so that he is looking her in the face. The smile on her face is warm and loving like it always is when she looks at her vuln.

     "Is that all?" Her voice is calm as she speaks. She can see just how upset Jorund is, fearful of her reaction towards his little confession. She has never heard of a vuln having a preference for feet until now; though she has heard some rumors that there are vulns who like women with weight on them. "I don't think it is weird that you like my feet. Odd, yes, but I happen to find it cute."

     "Cute?" Jorund feels some relief with Florence's reaction. "You're not going to ridicule and mock me?"

     "No." Florence feels somewhat insulted that Jorund would even suggest that she would such a thing. With how he has been hiding this preference of his and how he confessed it, she feels more sympathetic. "What kind of mate would I be if I were to do such a horrid thing to you. So you like feet, my feet. It sounds pretty harmless to me." She props her bare feet back up on the coffee table while cupping her hand around the man she loves and pulls him close to her body.

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