06: Working Hard

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     Performing all the tasks and chores at are expected of him are a bit demanding for Jorund. His body isn't used to the physically demanding tasks, finding himself to get tired quite easily. He knows that with enough time he will become accustomed to it. Until then, he is just going to have to push himself. Taking some breathers are helping when his fatigue gets the better of him. Florence is helping him when she can. While she isn't able to help him with every task, she does help him when she can.

After working for several hours, Jorund is sitting underneath a tree. He does feel fatigued from the work he has done so far. He isn't used to the hard labor that is expected of him, though he hopes that he will become used to it.

He is watching as his wife is still working with the same vigor she had when she first started. Her work is considered to be far more difficult but her size allows her to do her perform it with relative ease. He watched as she plowed an entire field using only her fingers then immediately helped him to haul hay from the barn and out to the field. He does admire how she is able to work, her large body is able to complete such jobs so effortlessly.

Every so often Florence looks back from the trees she is harvesting from, her large fingers carefully plucking the fruit from the branches, smiling at the man she loves. She truly does appreciate how hard Jorund is working, doing his best to keep a good, productive pace. Things are going smoothly as she is almost done harvesting the fruit from the orchard, which will be her cue to take a well-deserved break and spend it with the vuln she loves with all her heart. She does think that Jorund would be able to help her with picking the orchard, another way they could spend time together. Her mate standing on her palm as she lifts him high enough to pick the ripened fruit from the branches. Hopefully the next time she needs to harvest fruit from the trees.

With the last of the fruit picked the giantess stands up, towering over the fruit orchard's trees. Approaching the tree that Jorund is sitting at in several strides, she sits down next to him and stretches her legs out. Jorund can't help but take a look at her bare feet, watching as she splays her toes in the process. He then looks up at her smiling face, leaning into her body. Her body is comfortable and he does love cuddling up to her. He has heard that cuddling has a lot of positive effects in a relationship, often bringing couples closer together. "I love you, Honey."

"I love you too, Dear," Florence replies with a giggle. She loves the name that her mate has chosen to call her, smiling as the word escapes his lips. She starts to groan as she looks towards her feet, "My feet always get so sore from working."

Jorund focuses his attention back towards the loft's feet, seeing an opportunity. "I could always rub your feet, Honey." There is a slight hint of eagerness in his tone, a hint that he hopes Florence will fail to pick up on.

"You don't have to," Florence responds, "I will be fine till I can soak them in some warm water at home."

"But I insist!" Jorund says hastily, almost coming off as desperate. He takes a deep breath, composing himself before he continues. "It is my way of showing you just how much I love and care about you. Please, let me."

"Okay," Florence responds with a smile. Watching as Jorund gets up and walks along the length of her legs, she feels lucky that she has a vuln who is going to such great lengths to show her his love and appreciation for her. She will have to show him her love and appreciation, later on, a few ideas already popping into her mind.

Standing in front of the loft's soles, Jorund is taking in every detail of the lovely extremities that are before him. His heart rate quickens from excitement, knowing that he has been given the okay to touch, to caress a lovely part of her body. From what he can see, her feet look to be large for a woman her size; they are longer than he is tall by about a yard. The bottoms of her feet are a lighter skin tone than the rest of her body, the slight wrinkles that are present which give a visual indication of just how soft they are. He admires the dirt on her soles, helping to give them a natural look that he loves. He takes a deep breath, his body shuddering in anticipation of the situation is in. He reaches forward and presses his palms against the wall of flesh that his before him, his hands sinking into it slightly. He begins to rub the sizeable sole, massaging it like he would with someone's back.

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