04: Legally Bonded

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     Jorund is riding inside Florence's pocket once again as she is finally headed towards the town hall. Again, she is walking with a spring in her step, practically skipping, which is making the trip that much more uncomfortable for the small man. With how much he is being jostled he is beginning to feel nauseous again. His breakfast threatening to come back up; it tasted awful when he first ate it and he would hate to find out how much worse it would taste if it came back up.

     He looks up a Florence, seeing the big smile on her face. Today is a big day for her, she is about to be bonded with Jorund. Feeling lucky that the vuln has fallen in love with her. While caring for him, while he was still unconscious, she would often play fantasize about pairing with him. The major difference with this is that a loft offers something to the vuln she is interested in with the hopes that he will accept her proposal.

     Townhall soon comes into the couple's view. Florence's smile widens and she wraps her arms around the vuln she loves. She lets out an excited squeal, one which is loud enough to hurt Jorund's ears. "There it is! We are so close to getting our bonding license." She leans her head down, kissing Jorund on the top of his head. He looks up at Florence, smiling back at her. He is looking forward to bonding with her as well. Picturing himself spending the rest of their days together. She may have her flaws, and she has plenty, but he can't help but love the sweet and loving woman that she is. He leans his head back onto her breast, enjoying the cushioning that he has.

     The building they are approaching is larger than the others in the area, making it look as though it is a place of importance. As Florence approaches the building, its large size is becoming more evident.

     Like the general store, townhall seems to have been built for lofts who are bigger than Florence. The way she has to reach out for the doorknob is similar to how a woman of below-average height would need to. Stepping inside, the interior is just as massive. Not just the room, but the furnishings as well. Several chairs line the wall, for those who need to wait before they can see the mayor. From what Jorund can tell, there are two sizes, the smaller ones almost looking as if they are for children.

     Florence approaches the receptionist who is sitting behind a desk. The loft looking at the approaching woman with a forced smile on her face. With her attitude, it is obvious that she is only here because she needs the job. Adjusting her glasses in front of her green eyes and pushing her brunette hair behind her shoulders she says, "Can I help you?" Even the cheerfulness in her voice feels forced.

      "Yes," Florence answers in a cheerful tone, one that is truly genuine. She wraps her arms around the small man in her pocket, emphasizing his presence as she begins to speak. "I am here, with my mate," the loft can't help but giggle at the word, still sounding surreal to her, "to get my bonding license."

     The receptionist's mouth opens up as she begins to smile. Not a fake one, like what she put on earlier, but a genuine smile full of excitement. "You are getting bonded?!" Florence only answers by nodding excitedly. "You are so lucky! Finding someone who loves you! Who wants to be with you because they want to and not because of an offer you made."

      "I tried to make him an offer, but he said that all he wanted was my unconditional love."

     The receptionist turns her gaze over to the tiny man in the pocket, her emerald eyes locked onto him. Jorund is grateful that he is wearing something more presentable than a cloth sack, even if they did once belong to a doll. "I think it is so sweet that you love her," the receptionist coos.

       Jorund looks up at Florence, smiling at her before looking back towards the receptionist. "She is such a sweet and loving loft that I could not help but be entranced by her."

      "Aww… How sweet," the receptionist says while placing her hand over her chest. Looking back at Florence she continues, "The mayor is with someone at the moment, just have a seat and she will be right with you."

      "Thanks," Florence says with a smile.

     Turning away from the desk, Florence takes a seat. She chooses to sit in one of the larger chairs, feeling that one of the smaller ones would not be as comfortable for her. Her feet are dangling, her toes just barely touching the floor, which allows her to swing her legs in a carefree manner.

      Jorund watches as her pretty bare feet are coming into his view, only for them to leave as they retreat underneath the chair which the loft is sitting on. His breathing becomes heavy as he begins to picture himself on the floor, close to her lovely extremities. Reaching out to wrap his fingers around her long toes and massage them, placing his lips on each appendage to kiss them. But he knows that such actions will remain a fantasy. He can only imagine what Florence will think about his odd attraction to feet. He highly doubts that she will ridicule him over it, she is too sweet a loft to do such a thing. All he can do is admire such perfection from a distance.

     Such a view is not meant to last, Jorund soon feels a set of massive fingers wrapping themselves tightly around his body. Not so tight that he is in pain but tight enough to cause some discomfort. Being lifted from the pocket he was occupying he brought up to Florence's face, more specifically her cheek as she holds him close and cuddles him. He can see the joyous smile on her face and he can't help but smile as well. He can't help but feel loved by her. He leans into the loft's cheek, cuddling up to her as he plants a kiss on her.

     Florence giggles as she feels the small pair of lips making contact on her skin. "I can hardly believe that I am about to be bonded!" Her voice is giddy and full of excitement, practically squealing with each word she utters. "I mean, for a vuln to love me and just want to be with me is nothing short of a miracle."

     Jorund continues to smile, seeing just how happy he is making her. "I believe our meeting to be fate," Jorund comments, "I never expected to meet someone as sweet and loving as you. You made it easy for me to love you."

     Jorund soon finds himself being pulled away from Florence's cheek, now being held in front of her face. He is staring at her eyes, unable to look away from their beauty; her one feature that he can't help but admire. "I love you so much, Jorund," Florence coos at the man she is holding.

     Jorund is about to tell the loving loft that he loves her as well. Before the words can even leave his lips he is pressed up against her lips as she kisses him. His entire face is enveloped by her lips. He doesn't struggle, not being the first time he has experienced this token of affection from her. He returns the kiss, his lips meeting with her lower lip. He never would have imagined himself kissing such a large woman. He has done so multiple times, each time it feels more natural to him. The kiss only lasts so long, soon finding himself pulled away from her mouth. He looks at her, smiling like a lovestruck fool. "I love you too."

     The sound of a door opening draws the attention of the loving couple away from each other. The door next to the receptionist's desk, which leads directly into the mayor's office, begins to open as a loft is stepping out.

       Her red hair reaches down to her waist, her eyes a shade of sapphire blue. Her clothes are simple; a white shirt, tan pants and a pair of boots. None of which hides her well-defined physique. What surprises them is the fact that she has to duck through the door just to avoid hitting her head on it, a bigger shock when she stands upright and her head just about hits the ceiling.

     The receptionist does not seem as surprised as the couple who are waiting to see the mayor, probably because she witnessed her enter the building earlier. "Are you satisfied with the reward Mayor Jodie gave you, Maxine?"

     Maxine holds out a slip of paper, a banknote which she has received as a form of payment. "Very satisfied." Her voice is deep, yet still feminine; a contrast to Florence's sweet-sounding voice. Maxine looks down at her chest turning her attention to a pocket, which is not unlike the one Florence has. Its occupant is a man with dark skin, a skin tone that is similar to Florence's, and short black hair. "Come on, Charles. Let's head to the bank and get our reward. I want to stop at the local tavern and enjoy some drinks before we leave this town."

     "Are you sure, Maxine," Charles responds. "It is still early in the day."

     "I could go for some day drinking," Maxine argues, "Besides, I think I earned it with how well I handled that bounty."

     "Wow!" Florence says in a low voice, "She is big."

     Big? Jorund feels that the word massive would be a better description of Maxine. From her reaction, he can imagine that Maxine's height is not common among lofts. Florence's words must have been overheard by the massive loft, who begins to glare at the couple. Florence instinctively clutches Jorund to her chest, feeling that it is the safest place for her mate. The vuln had no objections about where he is at. He does he feel safe; something about the way Maxine looked at them was unsettling as if she is contemplating how she should injure them. Plus Florence's breasts are a soft area of her body which he finds very comfortable.

     "Maxine, I think it best if we go now," Charles suggests.

      "Fine," Maxine grunts. As she begins to leave she says one final thing, "I am getting a pie as well."

     Even as Maxine ducks through the building's exit, Florence continues to keep a firm hold on her vuln, cupping her hand over him as if she is afraid that Maxine could come back in at any moment just to harm Jorund.

     "Ma'am," the receptionist calls out. Florence begins to relax as her attention is pulled away from the encounter that she believes almost happened. "Mayor Jodie is ready to see you now."

     "Thank you," Florence says as she quickly stands up. The quick motion causes Jorund's stomach to drop, a sensation he could do without. Florence looks down at Jorund, smiling at the man who still in her embrace. No words are spoken between the two of them, none need to be said. Both are fully aware of the big step which they are about to take, a bonding that they are both looking forward to.

     Stepping into the office Florence and Jorund are greeted by the sight of a woman who is sitting behind a desk. The furniture in the room looks to be somewhat large compared to Florence, with the loft sitting comfortably behind the desk it is evident that she is taller than her. The mayor seems to be in her mid to late sixties, her blonde hair starting to lose its color as gray hairs are starting to come in. Jorund can't help but notice that she is the first loft he has seen with short, shoulder-length hair. She is dressed as though she holds some significant importance, being mayor this should go without saying. Mayor Jodie smiles warmly at the couple as they enter her office, even waving to the both of them. "Hello there, how can I help you two this fine day.

        "Mayor Jodie," Florence begins as she approaches the desk, "I am Florence and this cute, little vuln is Jorund." Jorund sighs through his nose at the words the loft chose to use when introducing him, wishing that she would use the word handsome to describe him at least once. "We are here to get our bonding license."

     The mayor leans forward with a look of intrigue on her face. "In the seventy years I have been mayor of Peak's Ridge, I have never issued a bonding license."

     "S-seventy years?" The number just slips through Jorund's lips, surprised at how young she looks. "Sorry," Jorund apologizes, seeing the curious look on Mayor Jodie's face, "it's just that you look as though you are in your early sixties is all."

     Jorund expects to be lectured, knowing full well that one should never talk about a woman's instead. Instead, the mayor smiles at him, "I wish I was that young. To be in my sixties, half my age would be nice." The vuln looks at the mayor, shocked at what she is claiming his age to be. "Enough of how young you think I am, you two are here for a bonding license."

     The mayor begins to rummage through her desk, muttering to herself as she is having difficulty locating the proper paperwork. "I know I have to have at least one bonding license here."

    Jorund looks up at Florence, who is watching the mayor with anticipation, smiling ear to ear as a day that she once believed she could only dream of is coming to pass. He can't help but smile up at her as he leans into her chest, knowing that he is the reason that she is so happy.

      "Here we are!" Mayor Jodie exclaims as she sets an official-looking document on her desk. "Now, before we begin with this necessary paperwork, Florence, could you place Jorund on my desk and step outside of my office for a moment?"

     Jorund looks up at Florence, wondering what her response will be to the request. She has proven to be clingy with him, holding him for the majority of their time together. He is expecting the loving loft to clutch him tighter, refusing to let him go. But the smile on her face says otherwise and he is soon finding himself being pulled away from the comfort of her breasts and on the desk's surface. The loft kneels so that she is looking directly at him. "I will be right back," she promises her vuln as she places her finger on his cheek, which Jorund instinctively reaches for.

     Florence leans in, giving the man she loves a quick peck before standing up straight before she leaves. Jorund watches as she leaves the office, already missing her. As the door closes behind her he turns to face the mayor, who now has a serious demeanor about her. Jorund can't help but feel nervous in her presence.

       "Relax," Mayor Jodie says as if she can sense just hoe nervous the vuln is, "I just need to ask you a series of questions before I let you and Florence sign this bonding certificate." She leans forward a bit, bringing herself closer to the vuln who is standing on her desk, her massive presence doing nothing to put his mind at ease. "Are you choosing to bond with Florence of your own free will?"

       "She is a sweet and loving loft, of course, I…"

       "A simple yes or no will suffice," Mayor Jodie interrupts. "Are you choosing to bond with Florence of your own free will?"

     "Yes," Jorund simply answers. He wants to tell her how sweet and loving Florence is. How he genuinely loves her. But is worried about how she will react if he attempts to give an elaborate answer again.

      "Do you feel safe with safe with her?"


     "Has she threatened you, family members, or loved ones if you refuse to bond with her?"

     "What?" Jorund asks, completely confused by where these questions are going.

     "These questions are to ensure that you are not being forced into this. It is rare for a loft to go to such lengths to join with a vuln but the possibility still exists. As you can imagine, it can be very easy for a loft to use their size for intimidation. Not only does such a tactic make for a poor foundation for a relationship to be built upon, but it would also make us look bad as a race." Jorund can understand why such questions could be deemed as necessary. He would hate to think how things would be for someone who was forced into a relationship with a loft. " Now then, has she threatened you, family members, or loved ones if you refuse to bond with her?"

       "Look, Mayor Jodie," Jorund says. He can't help but feel offended by these questions since he feels that they are questioning Florence's integrity. "I mean no disrespect, but Florence is a sweet and loving woman. I may have only met her recently but I feel loved when I am with her and all I want to do is show her the love which I have for her. I want to bond with her, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Heck, I started to miss her the moment she stepped outside your office. I know these questions you are asking are routine and are for my safety, but Florence honestly has my best interests in her heart."

    Mayor Jodie leans forward slightly, glaring at the vuln. Jorund's heart begins to race, feeling that he may have offended her by defending Florence. "So," she says with a warm smile on her face, "you truly do love her?"

     "Of course I do." Jorund reaches beneath his shirt, grabbing the medallion that is attached to the necklace he is wearing and shows it to the mayor, "I accepted this, knowing that I have her love and promising my love to her."

     The mayor looks over at a picture she keeps on her desk, a photograph of her and her partner. She loved that man from the day she met him and lost him over twenty years ago. Reaching up to her short hair, she remembers cutting her hair on the day he was buried. "I see no reason to ask you any further questions," she says as she looks back at Jorund before getting up out of her chair.

     The vuln watches as the mayor casually walks over to the door. Opening it up wide, she calls out, "Florence, you can come back in now." Jorund can hear the sound of her bare feet walking across the hardwood floors, a quick pace that matches her eagerness to return to the love of her life. As she reenters, Jorund can now see the height difference between the two of him. He was not wrong to assume that Mayor Jodie is taller than Florence; with her head just passing the mayor's shoulders she looks like a teenage daughter beside her mother. Florence walks past Mayor Jodie, her gaze locked onto Jorund as she takes a seat in front of the desk. Scooting as close as she can, she takes a hold of Jorund and pulls him close.

     Jorund is not surprised by this, expecting her to grab a hold of him at the first chance she got. He doesn't fight her grip, not like he can anyway. He just leans back into her, accepting the love she has for him.

     Mayor Jodie takes her seat across from the couple, looking at them with a smile on her face. She always did love having couples coming to her office, requesting a joining certificate. To see young lofts in love always did her heart some good. But now she is issuing a bonding certificate. Sure she has seen plenty of lofts come in being very affectionate with their vulns, but to see a vuln return the same affection. She can't help but smile at the two of them.

     "Now,"  she says resuming a business-like tone, "before you two sign this, there are a couple of things I need to go over with you. A bonding is not to be taken lightly, this is a serious step. You two will experience love, devotion, and a lot of good times together. You two will also share bad times; arguments, tending to your mate when they are sick, dealing with financial problems. You two need to work through such moments and come out stronger for it. One other important thing. A bond is 'til death do you part" so there is no exiting a bonding. I ask that you seriously consider this important step which you are taking before you commit."

     Jorund can feel the mayor's eyes on him as she is saying this as if making sure that he is aware just how seriously he needs to take this. Everything she has said does sound like a typical marriage to him. He looks up at Florence, knowing that he will always be there for her, no matter what life decides to throw their way. He is going to go through with this. "I do want to bond with her," Jorund states.

      "I want my vuln to be in my life, always," Florence says. She leans her head down to kiss Jorund on the top of his head, the simple gesture causing the man in her grip to smile.

     "All that is left to do is for you two to sign your certificate." She slides the paper towards the two, handing Florence a freshly-inked quill, or what looks like it could function as a quill. It looks like a long metal rod with a rounded tip at the end. The loft releases her vuln only to take hold of the metallic item and sign her name. Jorund watches as the ink on the tip is being used to put Florence's full name on the paper, Florence Saphira Gilmore. When her full name is written, she is smiling ear to ear since she is one step closer to being seen at Jorund's mate, legally.

     Florence holds the metal rod out towards Jorund, offering it to him. Staring at the item he wonders just how he is going to use it to write his name out, and that is if it isn't too heavy for him to hold it. "These should be better suited for you," the mayor says as she places a container which holds an assortment of quills. Grabbing one, he proceeds to ink it. Getting on his knees e notices that the certificate is thicker than traditional paper, feeling a lot more like a canvas to him. He can imagine that a thicker material would be needed, regular paper would most likely be shredded similarly to tissue paper. He proceeds to put the quill to the paper, slowly speaking his full name as he writes it out. "Jorund Caleb Baethan."

      "One last thing." The mayor pours some ink into a small dish before placing it beside the vuln. "I need you to stamp your medallion's design next to your name."

     Lifting his necklace over his head, Jorund begins to dip the medallion's design into the ink which has been provided for him. He only dips it in far enough to coat it with ink where it is needed, the tips of his fingers still touching the ink's surface. He then stamps the design onto the certificate leaving a clear imprint of his medallion's design.

     Mayor Jodie takes the paper back, signing her name so that the bonding is official. "Congratulations," she says with a smile, "Jorund Baethan and Florence Baethan," Florence begins to bounce in her chair excitedly upon hearing her bonded last name, "you two are now bonded by law."

     Jorund looks up at Florence and sees the big, excited smile on her face. He can't help but smile back at her, knowing that he has made her the happiest loft. Plus, he is now effectively married to a beautiful woman who he loves. He has no time to react when both her hands reach out for him and pick him up, finding himself pressed against her cheek again.

       "I am just so happy!" Florence coos, "I can't believe that I was actually able to get bonded!" She is nuzzling the man she is holding, doing her best to make sure that he does feel loved.

     Jorund is leaning into her, appreciating the affection is being shown. A week ago he never would have thought that he would be romantically involved with a loft. Now he is having a hard time picturing his life without Florence.

     Florence finally gets up from the chair, Jorund in her pocket once again as she wraps her arms around. She leaves the mayor's office, actually skipping this time, her mind already planning everything out. "There is so much that I have to get you to make our home…" She can't help but giggle, referring to her home as theirs now, being bonded seems so surreal to her.

     "We forgot to kiss," Jorund points out.

     "We did?"

      "Yeah. After two humans get married, they kiss each other after they say 'I do.'"

     Florence wastes no time in grabbing her mate and lifting him to her face, kissing him. The quick action did surprise Jorund at first but he soon kisses her back. The newly bonded couple is holding their kiss, enjoying their first one as husband and wife. The kiss soon ends, Jorund and Florence both smiling at each other since they do share their love. "Are you feeling any better today?" Florence asks.

       "I am, why?" His body still has a slight soreness to it, a reminder of the beating he suffered a week ago.

      "Because," Florence has a coy look on her face, looking at Jorund with a sense of desire, "after we are done getting your necessities, I was thinking that we could, you know, enjoy an intimate activity together, in bed."

     Jorund can't help but feel somewhat overwhelmed at the thought of such an activity. She is eight times his size. He does hope that he can satisfy a woman of her stature. His only comforting thought is that she did learn of such things while she was growing up, a part of him thinking that it will be both a unique and fun experience for both of them. He smiles at her, remembering how beautiful she looked completely disrobed, "I must admit that I am looking forward to that moment."

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