05: Terms of Endearment

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Jorund begins to wake up, finding himself laying on the most comfortable place he could ever imagine. Surrounded by two mounds of flesh, Florence's chest has to be the softest place he has ever slept on. Add in the fact that he is wrapped in her soft and silky hair, there is no other place he would rather be. The rhythmic sound of her heartbeat paired with the rising and falling of her chest as she sleeps, he could very easily fall back to sleep. With her loud snoring, one does have to wonder how Jorund could fall back asleep. The sound is a familiar one and one that he does enjoy.

He continues to lay on the loft's chest, her arms wrapped around him providing a sense of security. He decides to enjoy the situation he is currently in for as long as he can. Such a thing does not last long as the sound of her snoring ends and Florence begins to stir. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at the vuln she has in her sweet embrace, who is smiling back at her.

"Good morning, Jorund," Florence says as she follows up with a kiss. She lifts her mate to her lips, kissing him on his face.

Jorund would love to say good morning back to her. With the loft's soft lips enveloping his entire face it is not easy for him to speak. All he can do is enjoy the affection she is showing him and return a kiss. Kissing the giant woman's bottom lip did seem odd to him at first, he always did picture himself locking lips with a woman in a more traditional sense. He finds himself enjoying this unique method of kissing. When Florence finally pulls him away from her lips, he looks into her sapphire eyes, smiling. "Good morning."

Florence smiles at the small man, who looks like a doll when compared to her size. "Last night was amazing," she comments, squeezing her legs together as she recalls the intimate night they shared, "three times before you wore yourself out."

Jorund can't help but smile as he recalls last night. He was worried about how someone his size could satisfy a woman of Florence's stature. He is aware of how a man and a woman are supposed to be intimate with one another, but the idea of being with a loft in such a manner was overwhelming to him. Luckily Florence was taught how growing up, mentioning the vuln classes she had taken. Things were awkward at first as he was learning, with some love and patience they soon had an amazing night. "What can I say, I really enjoy being with you. Hopefully, I can give you a worthy encore performance tonight."

"I hope you can," Florence says with a giggle as she begins to sit up, continuing to hold Jorund close. "We have to get up now. I need to head to my job."

Being unwrapped from her hair, Jorund is placed next to his clothes and on the loft's chest of drawers. He is looking at her, admiring her naked form only to feel some disappointment as she begins to get dressed. He watches as she puts on a dress, sliding on over top her bra and underwear. The dress she puts on is a simple one, made from a brown material.

Taking a cue from her, he decides to put his clothes on as well; being designed for a doll they aren't the most comfortable thing to wear but it is all he has until he can stop at a proper store and purchase some that are designed to be worn by an actual person.

After getting dressed and having breakfast, a breakfast that Jorund had to choke down because of Florence's cooking skills, the couple leaves out of their home.

Jorund does wish that he could walk alongside his wife instead of riding in her pocket, he would like to have some sense of independence. He decides not to ask, watching as Florence is leaving the town of Peak's Ridge, meaning that she is heading for another town. Trying to keep up with her is one thing, her naturally long strides do allow her to walk at a much faster pace than he can, add in the distance that she is walking and he decides that it would be best if he remains in her pocket. Besides, he is in a comfortable spot. Leaning up against her breast and her arms wrapped around him in a loving embrace, he really can't complain about where he is at.

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