Helsworld- Chapter 21: Growings and Findings

Start from the beginning

A few minutes later, I heard an 'oof' and Hermit stepped into the doorway with Helsian tied with some vines. She didn't look like how I remembered her, she had small-ish Demon wings, red horns and eyes, and she was looking down at Helsknight like she was about to cause some trouble. 

"Hermit?" I asked. The demon-ghoul winced. 

"I rather be called Spirit" She said, looking at me tied up in the chair. Her hand glowed red and I was now standing next to her, with Helsknight in the chair all vined up. 

"Spirit won't do though, your not actually a spirit." I told her as I rubbed my sore wrists. She now looked like she was deep in thought. "Speaking of what your not actually, what happened?"

"I.... its complicated" She looked down at her feet then chuckled. "I wouldn't have found you for it not have been the sign at the door that said, 'Helsknight lives here'

"Really!?!?!" I said surpressing a giggle. 

"Hey! I have had people get lost because I didn't have that sign there!" Helsknight scolded us. I couldn't surpress it anymore. Spirit and I both broke down laughing. Then I had the most hilarious idea. 

"Hey Spirit,"


"Want to prank HEdoubleL666?"

"Yes! 1000 times yes!" she said and broke down laughing again "What did you have in mind? We really need to be quick before they come looking for me." she stiffled her giggles

"Come over here" I showed her the magic machine. 

"Hey! Hey! Don't touch that!" Helsknight yelled at us again. "I'm warning you!"

"Oh shut up!" Spirits hand glowed a light blue, and some duck tape appeared over Helsknights mouth. He tried to talk but to no avail because of the duct tape. "What do you know! Duck tape works like a charm!" She smiled at me. "Now show me how this works!" I showed her, and we prank dialed HEdoubleL666. 

"Hello? Helsknight, what are you doing up this late? And what do you need me for?"

"You just called the Helsknight capturing services, your order has been placed and is ready for pickup and pain" Spirit started chuckling

"Umm what? Where is Helsknight? What the (don't want to put swears here so im improvising) frickity frick frack tickity tak did you do to Helsknight you evil....." I put the phone down and it made a swift BeEp before we booked it out of there. 



I couldn't fly with both me and Helsian, but I could teleport. In a swift second, we were near the Town Council Hall, in a spot where no one would find us. It was the middle of the day, and there were so many more people than normal. Probably looking for me and Helsian. 

"So, whats the plan?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said as I turned around. We were in a little cozy nether cave with some beds and a few other things. 

"Oh, don't touch those." He told me pointing to the beds. 

"Why not?" 

"They are player beds. Player beds blow up in the nether if you try to sleep in them"

"Where are we?" 

"In my little basey-ish place. Its where I hid from everyone else"

"How did we get here?"

"I teleported us here"

"I didn't know you could do that"

"There are a lot of things that you probably don't know about me" He opened his palm and showed me a purple flame dancing around his fingers. I starred for a bit then opened my palm up too, showing him my flame, which was now a mixture of blue and red, which also mixed into some purple. "You have it too" He said and I quickly closed my palm.

"No! Thats not a bad thing! Staying in here all my myself gave me some free time." He spoke to me and his flame got a bit bigger. "You see, Vex are the sworn enemies of the Watchers, because watchers felt like they should just watch, then attack. And the vex dissagreed with them. But I realized, from finding old books, that Demons were related to watchers"

"and ghouls are related to vex" I finished. 

"Exactly! So, because you are,"

"a HalfHel" I said, using the term Pigmen had used to describe me

"half demon and half ghoul," he continued pretending not to hear me, "that magic would mix and create its own magic which is simular to the Watchers, which is why its purple"

I nodded, only half understanding. We sat in silence for the rest of the time, until it got dark and Helsian teleported us to a safe spot where I could make the rift the HermitCraft. 


This was long.....

Way longer than it should have been? Nah

Go subscribe to my youtube! Fl8me Qu33n! I am posting song animations of this fanfic soon!

Please chat with me I am bored......

I added stuff again! Because in the next book of this, I want it to have to do with Watchers, and what Helsian said to Grian in the note, which is why I wanted Spirit to have Watcher magic, because the more Grian gets confident with his Watcher powers the more Helsian dies!!! AHHHHHH!!!

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