Helsworld- Chapter 17: The return of the Goat

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This is going to be a super long chapter because I said so!



I teleported all the Hermits away to the part of Grians mansion I found, and faced Helsknight, who was in shock. 

"Whats the matter? You look like you just saw a..." He cut me off

"You don't want to do this Helsian, mark my words, it will come back to bite you" I took up at the sky, which was quickly turning red the more Hels were near the rift. 

"I know," I said, "But you won't be the one to do it" I shot a magic blast at the rift and it crackled and started to fade. I shot another one at the rift, holding it this time, trying to shut the rift closed. 

"NOOO!" Helsknight screamed as the rest of the Hels arrived. They were so shocked they couldn't speak. Some tried to stop me but I used more magic to push them back. I started to get weaker, and almost dropped the blast, but then the voice was in my ear again. 

"You can do it Helsian." The voice gave me more confidence and energy, and the rift was almost closed, Helsknight was using his own magic to try and keep it open, it was a constant struggle between us. 

"You can't stop this!" Helsknight smirked as he yelled at me. I couldn't move anything. I had to keep all concentration on closing it. But I waas burned out. My eyesight was failing, and the more the Hels started to realize what was going on, the more they tried to stop me. 

"Keep going. Concentrate. I'll hold them off" The voice said again, and again, it gave me more energy and concentration. 

From then on, it felt like someone was right next to me, fighting off the Hels that I couldn't. She kept talking to me, giving me strength and energy to finish the task. I watched out of the corner of my eye as she protected me. She was nothing more than a shadow, a ghost, but dang could she use a bow. 

It was like my own personal force field. If False aimed an arrow at me, it seemed to bounce off. I didn't know what was actually happening, but thats what it seemed like. She kept talking to me. 

"Helsian, I can stop the Hels, but I can't get to Helsknight or stop the rift. That you have to do on your own."

"What about Doc?" Silence, she seemed to be thinking. This time, Iskallium was thrown at us, including many more items. Again, it seemed not to hit me. 

"I-I might be able to help a bit" she said as she continued to protect me from the attacks.

"I'm going to let go of the blast" I told her. "that way I can get to Helsknight, send the Hels into the rift, then stop it" 

"No" she stated quickly "thats not going to work, im sorry H, but if you let go, Helsknight will just make the rift bigger, making unstable, and unable to be able to close. Give me a minute and I might..." she cut off. 

I turned around, stopping the blast. She was standing their, looking at Helsango.

"I... I cant be here, i'm sorry, I can't help" and she disappeared, with a scared look on her face



I was finally able to help. He might not have known it, but Helsian summoned me here when he needed assistance. I was already at the shopping district, in Tangos rocket shop, when I noticed Helsian was in trouble. I refer to it as summoning because I decided to help. At first, I was just a voice, a ghost. But when the rift grew stronger, I was finally able to help more. Iwas finally able to help someone instead of being forced to destroy. I had my bow, knocked an arrow, and let it fly. I used some of my magic to disable some of the more magic experienced Hels. 

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