Helsworld- Chapter 2: The almost forgotten Knight

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I was starting to feel burned, or sick at the very least. My very red face was getting redder every day with no known cause..... yet. Mumbo and Iskall had come to check on me a few times and some of the Hermits were worried but I assured them that I was fine. I just had a small fever and a very red face. Nothing to be worried about..........


Grian knew that sooner or later he would have to go back to his piglin farm to work. Ever since his face turned red he thought it might have been that he was building near lava and being there that long burned his face to turn it red. He wasn't positive but that's what he was going with. He still stayed above the bedrock ceiling just to be sure. 

It had been 3 weeks since he had been below the bedrock ceiling and Grian had decided that he was finally going to work on his nether base again. This time, he would be really careful.

"After all, don't want Mumbo making a fuss do we?" he said to particularly no one. 

Swopping in on his nether base he gasped. His entire nether base was now black. It didn't look like anything was changed, it was just..... black. Landing on a little ledge he had made for himself a while back, he looked at his "new" and not so improved mansion.


As I looked at my mansion, all black and weird looking, there wasn't really anything going through my head. I was hoping this was a prank. Maybe Scar? or Bdubs? Nah they wouldn't have wanted to pull pranks after winning the election. I really couldn't think of anyone who would know that my nether base was here let alone want to come here to pull a prank on me. 

As I was about to leave I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like Wells. But Wells didn't have hair and armor did he? Before I could get a closer look he was gone. Like a ghost or a phantom. Gone before they were ever really there. 


Grian went on with his work in the nether. He added to his mini-mansion, added some piglin bartering hulls inside. When he went to check his work he noticed that the black surrounding the main part of the mansion seemed to be spreading to the smaller parts of the mansion that Grian had made. 

"No!!" Grian said, utterly feeling defeated. He had just finished the new parts and it seemed like they were being destroyed. Flying over to his mansion he landed on one of the smaller parts, hoping that he could do something that could stop the spread. 

As the black came closer to him Grian felt like he was withering away. It was like his symptoms of the past 3 weeks had been dramatically increased. As the black spread to where he was, he felt dizzy, like he was gonna pass out. He thought he saw that Knight again, but he wasn't sure. As the blackness spread past his block, it just became too much and Grian passed out.


                                                                  (Grian's POV)

It took me roughly around 3 hours but I was finally done. I finished the sides of my nether mansion and even was able to make a Piglin bartering area inside of them. As I landed on my watch place, I noticed that the blackness that was covering the main part of my base was spreading!

"No!!" I screamed. If it spread, it would ruin the entire build! I rushed to the nearest tower and stood there as the Blackness slowly crept toward me. 'I had to be brave and stand here until it was gone' I thought to myself. 

As the blackness slowly crept toward me, I started to feel sick again. Like I had in the past few weeks.  But I knew that I had to be strong and handle it. As it got closer and closer, it started to feel like it was withering me, and making me dizzy, and, as the blackness passed over the block I was on, I knew I couldn't last very much longer. 

I was too weak. I couldn't power my elytra. I couldn't go home. 

All I remember was seeing Dark Wells again, and passing out. 

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