Helsworld- Chapter 20: Finding the Truth

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I had woken up, I was chained in the room again. I groaned and stood up. My whole body was sore, but it wasn't bleeding anymore. Ghoul entered to room. 

"Good, your awake. Time for round two"

"How long has it been"

"Three hours" I sighed. This was going to be a disaster. It hadn't even been a full day yet, and I was already done with all of this. Again, she unchained me and brought me to the arena. She snapped the same bracelet on my wrist, stepped back, and threw a flameball at me. 

This time I was ready, I dodged it, and looked around for anything to defend myself with. Their was nothing. For half an hour, I was dodging, and swarming away from the flameballs. Getting pretty tired of this. One came pretty close to my face, and I flinched, remembering the damage that one could do if it hit me. 

I was done with this. I was getting angry. Angry for being locked up here. Angry for having such strict rules. Angry about almost everything. I forgot that I had the magic resisting bracelet on, but it didn't matter anyway. I shot a flameball at ghoul, who looked, well, a mixture of shock and amazement. I don't really know. 

I looked down at my wrist and saw that I had managed to break the bracelet. Ghoul told me we were done for the day, she took me back to my cell room, and murmered about needing a demon bracelet.

I was confused about what she just said. A demon bracelet? I looked around the room, I had more time to scan it, and saw a mirror to my left. It was tall, and looked new. I reconized it. It was a ghoul mirror, the only mirrors that ghouls can see there reflexions in. 

What I saw in that mirror made me even more confused. It looked like me, but I had horns, and little stumps on my back that looked like little wings. They were the only things on my body that wern't transparent. I took a closer look, and realized that my eyes were now red as well. What was going on?



It had only been four hours before ghoul called an emergency council meeting. I didn't have to go, but I decided too. Since it was an emergency and I was Hels greatest fighter. I sat down and the meeting began. Their were a few others there but I didn't pay attention to them. 

"Spirit is more powerful than we realized." The room filled with noise. Then, the main Hels spoke up.

"What do you mean ghoul?"

"I think its best if I just show you." Ghoul then teleported out of the room, and teleported back into the room with Hermit. I growled. That ghoul had ruined my plans to take over the HermitCraft server! But, as I looked more carefully, she didn't seem to be a full ghoul. 

A normal ghoul, in their vex form, would be transparent, but Hermit now had red horns, red eyes, and what looked to be little wings on her ghoul form. Almost everyone gasped, and the Demon council leader looked surprised. Hermit smiled, knowing, or planning something. Then, the main pigmen council member spoke up. He was the oldest, since pigmen could live a long time, and the others only lived as long as their server, good counterpart, and no one knows about the demons lived.

"She is a halfhel" He sort of oinked out. The room got loud again. HalfHels were only suppose to be a myth, a legend. They wern't real. Were they? The fact the Hermit was sitting their, proved otherwise. 

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