Helsworld- Chapter 18: The trial

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I walked through the rift, closing it after stepping through. The Hermits should now be ok, and not have to deal with the Hels anymore. But what about voice? She must have brought Helsknight and the others back to Helsworld. I knew their were other creatures in Helsworld but I didn't have a single clue as to where she could be, or what she was. I was so trapped in my thoughts that I bumped into someone on the way to my Hel home. 

"Hey! Look where you are going!" I looked up and it was HelSymmetry. And she looked mad.

"Sorry," I said. She looked startled to see me here. I would be too, if I saw someone who wasn't suppose to be there. She grabbed me, and started pulling me in the opposite direction I wanted to go. 

"Hey, Symmetry, I'm going that way" 

"Well, now you arn't, Helsknight wants to see you" My face fell, and I tried to stop, but she just pulled me harder. "You ARE coming with me, whether you like it or not, I would kill you, but apparently the council is calling a Trial, and they need you for it." She growled

"What?" I asked. She was silent, and just kept pulling me until I was at a hobit nether hole. She pushed me in and Helsknight slammed the door and locked it. 

"Well, well, well, your here. I'm surprised, I thought you would have stayed in HermitCraft" He began.

"You know I don't belong there Helsknight, besides, the Hermits want to live there own lives, I ..." he cut me off

"Blah, blah, blah, do you really think I care? I just told anyone that if they saw you to bring you to me, as you might have heard, the council," he said that in a weird way, and I shivered, "needs you for a trial, or else I would kill you on the spot."

"Can I at least get my things?" I asked

"You won't need them, your not leaving" 

"What? But the trial...." I got interupted again

"Is not for you" He smiled. "Its for your ghoul friend. Apparently, she broke a lot of laws trying to help you. She could be killed, I say could, but she WILL if I have any say in it" I was silent, I had never heard of ghouls, I hadn't seen one, or, I guess I had, since a ghoul helped me in HermitCraft. Helsknight saw my confusion and explained.

"Ghouls are related to the vex, and can see the future, and whats happening on a specific server. The rules of the ghouls is to not go into their server that they future-seek, not to show themselves, and to only destroy and harm. There are a few others but thats all you need to know" He scowled, sat me in a chair, and tied me up with nether-vine. 

He didn't have to tie me up, I wasn't going anywhere. This was all my fault, and I was hoping to make it right. 



"I can't be here" I whispered to Helsian. He might or might not have said something but I didn't hear. I used my magic to teleport me, Helsknight, and all the Hels other than Helsango and Helsian to Helsworld. I would not let the Hels destroy HermitCraft. I ended up in the council hall, which I had been in on a few occasions, but not as serious as this time. 

"Hermit," I winced. Ghouls were called by the name of their server that they future-seek. I looked around the room and spotted Evo, and X-Life. "you are here because you have broken the laws. This will result in a Helsworld trial," The doorts flew open and Helsknight walked in. 

"This ghoul" he spat at me "needs to be dealt with" 

"We are aware of this Helsknight, we are going to have a trial, so if you see Helsian please let him know" The main council member spoke. The council was made up of the 4 species of Helsworld. Hels, ghouls, Pigmens, and Demons. Most of the time, a problem would be solved within species bountries, but this seemed like a special case. 

"Please don't involve Helsian, he had nothing to do with this." I said

"He had everything to do with it!" Helsknight growled, "I swear, if I find him im gonna," he got interupted. 

"You are going to bring him to us" The council nodded their heads and Helsknight rushed out of the meeting room. And I couldn't help but feel like all this was going to go very bad. 



It was all but 5 minutes when Helsknight came back and untied me. I stood up, and followed him to where we needed to be. When we arrived, everyone was already their. The ghoul who helped me in HermitCraft was sitting in the middle, with the council of 4 sitting in front of her on a raised podium, one table was to the left to her and the other to her right. I was told to sit to her right, and Helsknight sat to her left. 

The trial started and the first thing to be brought up was the different ghoul laws. I learned her name was Hermit, for the server she future-saw. They said a few more things about the laws and how she broke EVERY SINGLE ONE to help me, and then it was my turn to speak. 

"I don't know how these trials work, and it seems to me she broke a lot of laws," she looked down and mouthed the words, 'you got that right, i'm so dead' I continued, "but, she was just trying to help me to save HermitCraft. This is all my fault not hers." She looked at me, surprised. 

"No," she started "I did help, and I did break a lot of rules. Even though Helsian summoned me through the portal, I stayed instead of coming back and obeying the laws. I do not regret what I did and I accept full responsibility." It was now my turn to be surprised, I had summoned her through the rift? Then it occured to me, when I was alone, and didn't know what to do, she was their. I must have accidentally done it. 

"Well, I guess that settles that. Hermit, you will accept any punishment Ghoul gives to you. (Ghoul is the council ghoul) Which could include death, and banishment. I felt defeated, I could have helped, and saved her, but their was nothing I could do. 



I knew what was ahead of me, and I was ready to accept it. The trial had ended, and the council had made a decision before my losing side could say anything. Ghoul was punishing me with schooling, which was wayyyy worse than anything that he could have come up with. Schooling is basically school, but you get punished constantly, and you don't get anything or get to see anyone until you break. 

"This is the worst punishment for you," Ghoul told me. "You will finally be made and molded into a perfect ghoul"


Again, if you are having trouble understanding, please let me know! So basically, their was this trial and Spirit is in big trouble, but Helsian is not because they are having his punishment be to stay in Helsworld. 

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