Helsworld- Chapter 8: Found Out

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                                                  (Mumbo POV)

False woke up the next day, she said she was fine but we were all cautious. We all had decided to have an emergency meeting the next day when she was feeling better. No one was going in and out of the nether until after the meeting. We couldn't risk anyone else getting infected. For the rest of the day, Iskall, Grian, and I took turns keeping False occupied, we also finished the last of the traps we were setting up for Helsknight. By the time we had finished, it was almost dark. 

"Well, I better get some sleep, goodnight Mumbo!" Iskall said as he flew away

"Goodnight Iskall!" I shouted as I flew to my base for some well deserved sleep

The next morning, I flew off to Grian's. Grian and False were already awake and making breakfast. "Good morning Grian! Good morning False!" I got no answer. The hermits looked half asleep and not focused. "Ummmm, Good morning" I said again

"Oh! Mumbo good morning." Grian finally spoke. At this moment, Iskall came flying in. False and Grian didn't even change expression. They just went on drinking their coffee. Wait, did Grian even drink coffee? Well, of course he did if he was right here with a cup of coffee in his hands. I shrugged it off and reminded them of the meeting today. They both nodded and I headed out to help Xisuma get everything ready.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                          (Iskall POV) 

After Mumbo left, I stayed to "watch" over Grian and False. When Xisuma texted us that the meeting would be starting, we headed off. We were the last to get their. One of Xisuma's towers was turned into a meeting room. With a table in the middle and 24 chairs set up around it. The 3 of us sat down and Xisuma started the meeting.

"So, the first matter of business is, has anyone seen Helsknight in the past week?" Everybody shook their heads. The last encounter with Helsknight was when False was infected and that didn't go well. 

"All the traps are set up" Mumbo said "Iskall and I finished them yesterday"

"Good" Xisuma spoke. "The next and most important matter of business is that the blackness has almost completely covered the nether. All nether portals except the shopping district portal are broken for their is only one portal for Helsknight to come out of. We might have to break that one too if it spreads any farther."

"Why don't we go through the portal and see where its at, for that way we can try to stop it from spreading." spoke False. Everyone agreed with her, and we were off.

At the portal, Xisuma gave us a warning not to go near it until we all figure out what to do about it as a group. I was the 5th person to go in. Their was a ledge we all stood on. About 100 blocks away, and inching closer was the blackness. Everyone was now through at this point.

"Grian, what are you doing?" JoeHills asked Grian from behind me

"Trapping us in" He said as you could here something break. I turned around and the nether portal back was broken. None of us had flint and steel, which meant we couldn't relight it. Which meant we were all stuck their, with the black substance itching closer and closer. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                    (Helsknight POV)

It now covered the nether. I turn the corner and their were all of the Hermits. Helsymmetry and Helsian were right next to the broken nether portal. The plan was going perfectly. I look at all their scared faces. Then, Welsknight comes up to me, a few blocks from the group. 

"What are you going to do?" He asked, looking angry

"Me?" I chuckled "I am planning on destroying Hermitcraft. What are you going to do to stop me?"

"Everything I can possibly do" He says. He drew out his sword and I dodge it. He then trips and hurls himself 2 blocks away from the blackness. Before he can get up, it covers the spot he is laying on, and he starts to pass out. The other Hermits rush to help him but they don't want to get anywhere near the blackness. 

"Want me to take him?" Helsian asked me

"Yes" I said. Helsian grabbed Wellsknight and flew away. Only a few more minutes and the whole nether would be infected, including all the Hermits. 


                                                        (Bdubs POV)

They had taken Wellsknight! And, in a few minutes, we were all gonna be toast! Well, not literal toast but we were gonna be infected too! We would all be like Grian and False and soon to be Wellsknight! I was scared out of my mind but I knew that I had to do something! I found an enderchest in my inventory and set it down. 

"What are you doing?" False asked me

"I'm doing what's right" I responded. Opening up my enderchest I found what I needed. 1 obsidian and a flint and steel. No one was even close to the Portal now. I sneaked off and as quietly as I could, placed down the 1 obsidian and lit the portal. I went to tell the other Hermits but they had already been hit and were passing out one by one. If I wanted to get free I had to go through the portal now. 

I stepped through the portal just as the nether was fully blackened.


                                                       (Grian POV)

They had laid out more beds, 22 to be exact. Which meant that they were gonna capture all the Hermits. Wellsknight came first. He wasn't blackened, like when False and I were infected, in fact, he was awake when Helsian brought him in. 

"Let me go Grian!" I softly chuckled. He actually believed that Helsian was me. It was very hard to tell that he wasn't me but it was still funny. 

"Wells!" I yelled and waved from the cage. "Welcome to Hellsworld" He looked from me to Helsian and back again. In the meantime, while Wells was distracted, Helsian was able to throw him in the cage with us. The Hels were way to smart and made a top entrance for them to bring people in, but for no one to get out. 

"But, if your you, and False is False, then who are those guys?" He asked pointing at Helsian. 

"Well, we are the evil counterparts of Grian and False, we hid them here and took their places to get you guys here." Helsian said before I could say anything. 

"But, I got cloned with Beef's cloning machine, how did you guys get cloned?" That was a good question. One that I did not know the answer to. I turned to Helsian. He sighed, 

"I'll write a book explaining this because I don't want to explain it again" He said "When you cloned yourself with the machine, Helsknight got some magic from you holding the blaze rods. He created the blackness, he is also able to summon your evil counterpart from Helsworld...."

Wait, so this isn't Helsworld?" I asked "I heard Helsknight talking about it and I thought that this was Helsworld, the black nether"

"Yes, and no. Helsworld is actually its own separate dimension but once all the Hels Hermits are Here it will officially be Helsworld. He is only able to summon your evil counter part if he touches you when you are infected. Makes sense?" We all nodded. And that's when Helsymmetry and Helsknight brought in Xisuma, Docm77, Hypnotizd, and Ijevin. 


I hope you guys enjoyed! I made it longer because I had more on my mind to write. I will hopefully add another chapter soon!

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