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The next day, the band was super excited for the performances. Leanna was nervous about Calebs band obviously but Luke promised her that she would be safe with him.

"Ok guys.. we need to be perfect alright!" Julie said as she came into the studio.

"Yeah, we know. But can we get like a few more minutes of sleep.." Reggie asked as he laid back down.

"Nope! Get up!" Leanna giggled as she threw a pillow to Reggie. He couldn't help but laugh as he got up and went to his guitar.

The five band members all got to their instruments and practiced, doing really well too.

As the band finished playing the song through for the thousandth time, Julies alarm went off for her to get ready.

"Ok guys, I'm gonna get ready and head to the orpheum.. you all do your thing and don't do something stupid to miss this.." Julie said as she walked out of the studio.

The four ghosts nodded. The boys went to their garbage bag of clothes, looking for something to wear.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna go home and see what I could possibly have to wear." Leanna said as she poofed away.

Going into her room, she opened the closet door, searching for a decent outfit. She managed to find a black crop top, black ripped jeans, and a red oversized flannel.

She smiled as she changed into the clothes, looking in the mirror. She looked like a girl version of Reggie right now. Mostly because of the colors.

Before leaving, Leanna went into millies room, leaving her a note so she knows she came to check in.

I'm playing tonight at the orpheum if you wanna come watch. Hopefully I see you.

Leanna set the note on her bed to make sure she saw it, then poofed back to the studio to meet the boys.

"Dang Leanna does have some sort of sense of style." Reggie said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah, I just didn't really dress to impress until now.. I mean we are playing the orpheum, AGAIN." Leanna said with a laugh.

"Alright, let's go and hopefully find Julie there." Luke said with a smile as he took leannas hand.

The four poofed to the orpheum, seeing a huge line of people outside, and went inside.

Julie was in her dressing room fixing her hair. She had on a black dress and two French braids in her hair.

"Jules you look great." Leanna said as she hugged the girl.

"You guys look good too. The stage guy said we go on in five by the way." Julie said, looking to the four.

Everyone smiled. The boys were excited to play their song here again, but for real. It wasn't hard to tell by the wide smiles and nervous look on Alex's face.

"Alex chill man." Reggie said as he patted Alex's shoulder.

Alex took a few deep breaths as they announced the band to come on stage.

The five of them got ready, only Julie visible right now. But once Julie played the piano part they added, the band was visible.

Smiles went around the room as Luke and Leanna shared a mic harmonizing with eachother. Leanna singing "super soprano" as Luke called it.

"We ain't searching for tomorrow (Tomorrow)
'Cause we got all we need today (Today)
Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins
We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain"

The band all harmonized in different ways during that section, sounding like a rock band of angels.

As the music ended, the band bowed and disappeared from the lifers sight as the crowd went crazy.

"We're Julie and the phantoms, tell your friends." Julie said with a smile as they all got off the stage.

"Julie! Good job!" A familiar voice said as they entered the dressing room.

"Oh.. mr Wilson hi!" Julie said to Trevor Wilson as she entered the room.

"Hey, that song you and your band just played.. where's you get it?" Trevor asked, clearly knowing it wasn't hers.

"Told ya.." Reggie said quietly, earning a slap on the arm from Luke.

"Say something like your cousin gave it to you. Wait say uncle, I would be too old for your cousin. You can use my name." Luke quickly said to Julie.

"My um.. my uncle left me his songbook once he passed. He never trusted anyone else with it and told my parents that if anything were to happen, then songs were to go to the first child since my mom already had her own music.." Julie said hoping that story was believable.

"Oh, what was his name?" Trevor asked being nosier than usual.

"Luke Patterson. He was in the band sunset curve but hotdog poisoning killed him and two others, leaving the fourth member nowhere to be found." Julie said, noticing a nervous look on record face.

"I- oh.. oh really?" Trevor said, scratching his neck.

"Yeah, the other guys name was Bobby. My bandmate was actually using his guitar.. he left it in my moms studio when he disappeared. You know him?" Julie said, noticing the boys wanted to see what he would say.

"Bobby..? No.. no. Never met a Bobby in my life." Trevor said, not making eye contact.

"Right.. I'll see you later I guess, bye bobby- I mean Trevor." Julie said, quickly correcting her mistake.

Trevor was quick to get out of there a nervous wreck. The bandmates all laughed together, listening to the other performances.

When it came time for the winners to be announced, everyone went on stage.

"And our battle of the bands winner is.. JULIE AND THE PHANTOMS!" The judge said as he handed Julie a gold microphone trophy.

She smiled and waved to everyone, knowing she can't hug the band right now.

If you follow me, you probably saw my recent message in my message board.
If you don't, then the message basically said that if I get to 300 followers within the next few weeks, I'll publish my new book and do daily updates on it.
So be sure to follow me and stay tuned :))

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