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"I'm going to the beach, I'll be home for dinner later alright? I just need to clear my head after what just happened with Laura." Leanna said while walking to her car and putting the surfboard ontop.

"Would you stop it with this goddamn beach! What are you gonna get out of going to that beach every day?! Nothing. It's your birthday and as your mother, I'd like to spend it with you!" Leannas mom said as she followed Leanna out.

"No! As my own person, i want to spend it by myself, just like every day. You only take notice of me when it's my birthday or any other holiday." Leanna said as her and her mother argued back and forth.

"Fine. If your going to be like that then go pack some of your things. I don't need a disrespectful child living in my house!" The words that broke Leanna the most that her mother said.

"Wow. Love you too." Leanna said as she scoffed and got into her car, speeding away. Never to return.

As Leanna left her childhood home, she wanted to give herself a little bit before going to the studio. If any of the boys, especially Luke, saw Leanna like this.. they'd worry.

Leanna really wanted to go to the beach, but as she listened to the family's discussion, they were going to visit the bench and remember her.

That only left her one choice. Going back to the studio. She poofed back in and saw the three boys and Julie practicing for their big performance at the orpheum.

Yeah, they didn't get the gig yet.. but they had a plan to get themselves one.

"Oh hey!" Julie said with a smile as she looked to the girl, who had tears stains down her face and bloodshot red eyes from crying all afternoon.

"H-hey.." Leanna said as she went to the couch and sat down.

"You.. alright?" Julie asked nervously.

Leanna nodded. "Rough day."

The curly haired girl nodded and said "well, it is getting late, you guys chat or Do whatever you do when I'm not here."

The boys all laughed while Leanna just did a small smile.

"Lee what's wrong?" Reggie asked, but In almost an obvious tone he knew exactly what it was.

He earned looks from the two boys and said "what? I need to ask."

Leanna looked down and said "look, seriously it's nothing. I'm alright."

Luke sat down next to her, taking her hand as his thumb rubbed against it. That was like the trigger to get Leanna to burst.

"Lee.. you can talk to us. You know this.." Luke said as he looked into her glossy eyes.

"I-I know but seriously.. it's nothing." Leanna said as she stood up, grabbing her six string and strummed a few notes.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked as he shook his head.

"I-I need to get my mind off things.." the girls shakily said, continuing to play notes.

"Well why don't you just go to the beach..?" Reggie asked softly, knowing somethings going to happen.

"I'm not going to the beach! Ok?! Not right now!" Leanna said, scaring the boys from how loud she was.

"S-sorry.." she said while setting her six string down.

The boys just nodded.

"Lee please..." Luke said, trying his best to talk to her.

"I'm just- I'm just gonna go for a walk. Maybe that will help." Leanna said as she walked through the studio doors and poofed away.

"Dude she is really not happy.." Alex said in shock.

"I know.. I've never seen her like this." Luke said, the shocked expression still on his face.

"Maybe the walk will help her. I think she just needs to stay away from people who remind her of that night." Reggie said.

The other two boys nodded and just waited around for Leanna to come back.

Leanna poofed herself onto sunset boulevard. It was always a happy place to her. The people walking around, the music playing, it was great.

As she walked, the tears slowly stopped. She only thought about happy things, like how she feels when she's with Luke, or playing music, or surfing.

When she was at her parents house earlier, she remembered her mother handing Millie the keys to leannas car and said "she would've liked for you to have it.."

The facial expressions on both millies and the others faces broke Leanna. Yes, she was happy they didn't just scrap her car. She worked long and hard to buy it.

Randy. That's what she called her car. It was a red heel wrangler. Her and Laura always joked around about the name Randy, it was just so funny to them.

As she reached the orpheum, she looked up at the sign. The blue glowing lights and the band names playing there.

It all caused a new wave of sadness. The wave of missing the boys. If this was their unfinished business, then once they finish that performance.. they are gonna be gone.

"Leanna! What a nice surprise!" Caleb said, appearing on the sign.

Leanna didn't want to deal with him now so she simply poofed away back to the studio.

Reaching the studio, she poofed in full of panic.

"Hey.. what's wrong now?" Luke said as he went in for a hug.

Before Leanna answered, Caleb appeared behind her. Luke's face turned angry as he pushed Leanna behind him and the boys.

"What do you want." Luke said to the man.

"Oh well to simply wish Leanna a happy birthday. Oh and death day." Caleb said as he looked between the boys at Leanna.

"Wh-who told you that..?!" Leanna said as she cried a bit more.

"Well, everyone knows. Your the reason why there's more lifeguard at the beach now. Your the reason why there's a new bench at the beach. Your the reason your little sister is depressed." Caleb said, setting Leanna off.

"Don't ever.. EVER mention my sister. And so what, at least I didn't die doing a stupid magic trick." Leanna said as Caleb got angry.

He pointed to her and zapped her. Not a short one like the usual ones. A long one that felt like it was forever.

"Hey stop it!" Luke said to Caleb angrily.

"I'm not done with you miss Myers. Have a good evening you four." Caleb said as he poofed away.

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