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Within the next few days, the boys all learned a little bit more about Julie. She told them how it's hard for her to get back into music since that's what her mom spent most time with.

Julie was supposed to be part of her schools music program but when she was about to audition just the other day, all of her nerves got her and basically forced her to back out.

When the boys heard about this, they took it upon themselves to get Julie back in. Luke found his black notebook where he wrote his songs lyrics for the band and gave Julie a song that the band never got to play.

"Julie, you should go back there and show them your meant to be there. Your talent is too special to keep a secret." Luke said as he handed the song to her.

Continuing, he said "here's a sunset curve original. We never got to record it so I thought you could preform it as your comeback piece."

Julie gave him a smile as they both started to play the song, singing along, preparing for julies performance the next day. Julie on the piano, Luke with his six string, Alex on drums, and Reggie on bass guitar.

Leanna was doing what she usually would during a week day, watching over Millie.

Seeing her little sister grow up without her was heart breaking. She would see every moment when Millie cried over her, the now awkward family dinners, and the depression beach trips.

She followed Millie to the gymnasium since there was the schools famous spirit rally. This was everyone's favorite assembly. It was fun, and you got to miss your class for it.

The cheerleaders did their little routine, then some girls went and sang a song about. Leanna found them a little odd. Each girl was a different color, pink, purple, red, and yellow. They seemed to be the bratty group of the year.

Within an hour the assembly was over, but another girl snuck up onto the stage, placing herself at the keyboard.

Hesitantly, she started playing. The lights guy put the spotlight on her, bringing everyone's attention to the stage.

The girl began to sing. She sounded really good. But things got crazy in the middle of the song.

Three boys appeared on the stage with their instruments, playing along.

Everyone gasped in shock watching this happen. The boys even looked shocked.

The girl singing said something to one of the boys and he laughed while saying something back quickly.

As the music ended, the boys disappeared, everyone gasping again.

The girl looked scared about what to say.

Leanna looked around and saw the three boys standing in the crowd of people. She wanted to go over to them and congratulate them on a good performance.. but she forgot about the fact she's a ghost.

The girl, who's apparently named Julie, which I heard from a girl cheering for her, said that the boys up there were holograms.

Leanna was confused by all of this. She was standing there looking at the three boys in the crowd.. Those aren't holograms. She even made eye contact with one of them, which just the thought of someone seeing her scared her.

Ignoring the situation, Leanna just poofed off the beach. Although she did get killed there.. it was still her happy place.

She got to a the bench that the town put in to honor her, which Leanna thought was ridiculous because no one at the beach was ever friendly to her. They didn't even acknowledge her until those last few minutes of her life.

They used Leanna's board that had the bite mark from the shark as a reminder to be safe at the beach in the water. It disgusted her, but what could she do now about that?

The bench was pretty nice though, it was a concrete bench painted like her board was painted and then of course the little plaque that said things about her, like how she "died doing what she loved."

Next to the bench, there was a light post. It's always been there, it's just the bench that's new. But on the post, there was a picture of Leanna with her surfboard that said "in remembrance of: Leanna Myers, the girl who learned the hard way."

Leanna never liked the picture on the pole. She always thought about how fake people were once someone dies.

While staring off at the beach thinking, Leanna noticed the the called holograms singing and dancing around.

The same boy from earlier looked over to see Leanna sitting there watching and stopped, getting his friends attention.

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