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After leannas time at the beach, she went back to the studio to practice with the band. She was happy that they weren't as mad as she thought. Luke was mad about her going back, but happy she was here now.

"Lee!" Reggie said with a smile as Leanna poofed in.

"Hey reg. Where's the other two?" Leanna asked, taking her six string off the wall and putting the strap on.

"Figuring out how to keep you here without getting the zaps back." Reggie said, strumming light notes on his bass guitar.

Leanna nodded and stood by Reggie, looking at the music he had on his music stand.

"Home is where my horse is? Reggie, Luke let you keep this song?" Leanna asked with a laugh.

"Not exactly.. it's gonna be apart of our country album I'm gonna force Luke to write. You know, when we are big shots." Reggie said with a smile.

"Never in a million years is Luke gonna let you play that at a concert." Leanna laughed as she spoke, being joined by the other three members of the band.

"Ok you guys ready to finally play again?! Three long months and were back baby!" Julie said with a smile as she went to her electric piano.

The four ghosts looked to eachother, not wanting to break the news to Julie, and set themselves up to play.

"Ok, ready?" Julie said, playing their song 'edge of great' on her piano. The four nodded and played along.

Julie and Leanna started off, harmonizing with each other and then the boys joined in.

It was obvious they were a little rusty, not bad though. But Leanna was doing really good, adding in a few new riffs she learned here and there.

"Running from the past
Tripping on the now
What is lost can be found, it's obvious.." Julie and Luke finished off, the soft playing of the band in the background.

"Wow you guys didn't do too bad for 3 months of no playing." Leanna said, a small giggle escaping.

"Yeah yeah, we sounded a little messy. But you did amazing." Luke said with a small smile.

Leanna smiled too and was about to thank him, but she got a zap. She held her chest in pain as the boys and Julie looked at her.

"Lee you didn't tell me you still got them. You said you were alright now." Luke said in an angrier tone.

"Luke—" Leanna started.

"No. You lied to us. Seriously Lee? We are trying to help you!" Luke said, scoffing and waking away.

"Guy.. I have to go back to calebs.. the longer I wait the worse they get.. see you tomorrow.." Leanna said sadly as she poofed away.

"Luke! What is wrong with you?!" Julie said, turning to the angry boy.

"What's wrong with me?! You should be asking that question to Leanna! She's the one sticking with that jerk!" Luke said angrily, setting his six string down onto its stand.

"Luke be grateful SHES doing this for US. If she wasn't doing this, we'd probably not exist anymore. She's putting herself through so much emotional pain just to make us happy and you go and freak out at her?" Alex said, Crossing his arms.

"Reg, what do you think?" Luke said looking to the nervous boy.

"I agree with Alex.." Reggie said while pointing to Alex.

Luke did a sarcastic laugh and said "great. Now my own band mates won't agree with me." And with that, Luke poofed away.

"Leanna! I thought I'd have to send another zap, your on in about 30 seconds." Caleb said as Leanna poofed backstage, dressed in her same preforming outfit.

"Life is good on the other side of hollywood!" Leanna forcedly sang by calebs commands.

While the girl sang and played her instrument, she couldn't help but think how mad Luke was at her.

Now that the singing was over, Caleb had the female dancers dancing in the table, leannas least favorite part about preforming here.

The men at the tables did what they always did, which bothered Leanna. But, she wasn't allowed to speak.

Finally, the performances ended and the performers poofed away to the backstage room.

"Hey Lee you alright?" Willie asked as he found the girl upset.

"Luke's mad at me. This place has caused me hell." The girl blankly said.

Willie gave her a hug and said "I heard about that, I was hanging out with Alex just before as the performances went on."

"Oh, what did he say?" The girl asked.

"That they can't find Luke anywhere.. he got mad and left. They checked everywhere but nothing.." Willie said, causing the girl almost collapse.

Willie caught her and poofed them to the studio. The only ones in there were Alex and Reggie, Julie was already asleep for school.

"Lee?" The two said as Willie set her down on the couch.

"Where is he..?!" Leanna said while she cried.

"We don't know.. he wasn't at the beach, his house, or the orpheum, we checked." Alex said as he sat next to the girl.

She shook her head no and said "I'm gonna go look for him." And with that, she was gone.

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