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After being on the same bench for a while, Leanna finally decided to get back in the water. She hasnt gone surfing since the accident so she was a bit worried about how this would go.

It too Leanna a little bit to figure out how to get a board to use, considering here was in the front window of a store, but when she wished she had one, an exact replica appeared in her arms. Except this one didn't have a bite mark.

A smile formed on leannas face as she ran to the water with her new board.

As the water come in contact with her body, she got chills. To feel the joy she always felt when she was alive was amazing.

Watching as a good sized wave came towards her, she quickly went to in and started to surf it.

Leanna could only think about how crazy it would be if these people on the beach saw her. What would they do if they saw a girl who died almost four years ago was back on the waves.

Looking at the people, she saw them all looking at her. Something that was strange. "Can they see me?" Leanna thought as she continued on the wave.
Luke and Reggie were back in their studio watching Alex pace around the room.

Alex never handled change well. He always found a way to overthink it all. When the boys died, that was a change, and now that whenever they play with Julie people can see them, also a change.

The two boys tried to calm Alex down, but Alex just said "I'm gonna go clear my head." And with that, he poofed away.

Luke and Reggie didn't know what to do now. They worked on a new song for a little bit, but then decided to go to the beach, hoping to hangout with their new friend.

As they appeared on the beach, they noticed everyone's attention towards the water. They wanted to see what it was all about so they poofed to the front, seeing something that was absolutely shocking to them.

"Is that..?" Reggie started to say but Luke cut him off.

"Yes, that's Leanna." Luke said, a smile growing on his face.

Once they realized it was her, they were confused about why everyone was shocked.

"I wonder what this is all about. She's a ghost, why do they look so shocked?" Luke said as he looked to all the people on the beach.

Reggie laughed a little and then made a shocked face. "What if she can be seen by them when she surfs?! Like when we play with Julie!"

Luke was shocked by reggies thought. Mostly because Reggie wasn't always the brightest one of the group.

"That girl.. she looked like Leanna.." a girl who looked to be about the boys age said to another girl.

"Don't be ridiculous Millie, she died four years ago. There's no way that's her." The girls friend said back.

"I think I'd know my own sister if I saw her. That board is exactly like how hers was, and her hair looked exactly like that when it got wet." The first girl said before storming off while the other followed.

"Sister? Dude that was leannas sister!" Reggie said to Luke in a shocked, yet excited tone.

Luke smiled and saw someone appear in front of him and Reggie.

✔️My Rockstar |Luke Patterson|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz