Knife (Trigger Warning)

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3 months later*

Dan's POV:

July was pregnant. I was so happy that I was going to be a parent. We celebrated by making a video. We told everyone about the announcement and everyone freaked out. Me and July got ready for a baby, by getting a room empty and ready for a nursery. She was 3 months and we were going to find out the gender.

We went to the hospital to find out the gender. They did the ultrasound and we still were waiting for the gender. "Dan and July Howell, you guys are having........ twins!!!! Congrats! Would you like to know the genders yet?" We said no, we wanted it to be a surprise. Me and July danced at the park. We were so happy. Maybe I should invite Phil over.

Phil's POV:

When I saw that July was going to have a baby, it was too much. I yelled out, "WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?! IT'S NOT FAIR!" I got out a knife, and cut. It felt horrible. I promised myself I wouldn't do it anymore. I got a text. It was from, Dan? "Dan- Would you like to come over?" I said yes. I took the tube. I finally got to their house. I worked up the courage to knock on their door. "Dan?" "Phil!" "You know what, Dan. Don't give me a friendly hug. Just get off of my case until I tell you so." "Hi Phil! I'm July!" She shook my hand. She seems very nice. During the night, me and July became friends and me and Dan talked it out. I left and in the first time in for forever, I could sleep happily.

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