He Loves You; Preference

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Hope you like it!❤️and I'm

-Adrianna ✌️

I told a friend this one time and this applies to EVERYONE!

He loves you becuase your you. He's your future friend boyfriend fiancé husband father to your children liver soul mate partner in crime your other half! Whatever he is to you he loves you, he would swim across any ocean he will stay up any night do anything for you! He would shout scream it to the world and make a big fuss over it and make himself embarrassed because he wants everyone to know how much he loves you, so don't change, don't change becuase society tells u to, don't change your figure becuase your not the perfect weight or the slimmest bitch around, he loves u becuase ur existing right now babe! He loves and cares for u! He thinks knows and believes that u are
And he wouldn't change anyti g about u! So don't u ever think
No one will love me
There's no one out there for me besides Netflix and sweatpants because honey he will be there with u in sweatpants and watching Netflix because he's happy just to be around U! So don't think ur anything less than perfect! There are no words to describe ur beauty!
And fuck what society says becuase they screwed U over once or twice either through social media friendship problems personal problems guys stuff anything! Fuck it! Becuase it's screwed U over once or twice so it's time for u to stand up to society and give it the finger babe! Because he loves u and he doesn't care what society says he live su for beig U so don't change and mess with perfection babe'

Hope you enjoyed!❤️
-Adrianna ✌️

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