James Imagine; Visits for Cara

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Hope you like it Cara ❤️
-Adrianna ✌️

Your POV
So today I am visiting my boyfriend of 5 months and his mates at the x-factor house. I was just wearing some black skinny jeans, tan colored vans and a loose white top, simple enough to be cute. I lightly put beach waves in my hair this morning with a small bit of makeup. So as soon as I jumped out of my car excited to see James. I knocked on the door. "CARA!" James exclaimed excitedly. "Hi love" you said with a cheeky smile. "I missed you so much" James said while kissing you after, the kiss deepen, then a loud cough from Tom broke it up. " sorry to break it up but I'm Tom by the way," " and I'm Chris" "Casey" the 3 boys before you said, " oh hi I'm Cara, I'm James' girlfriend, but I guess you know that by now", "do you guys wanna go hangout upstairs?" "Sure" you all said in Union.
-a couple hours into the night, Tom sang Ed Sheeran songs, true or dares included Barclay stripping down to his boxers and asking Ben Haenow for a condom. And multiple sassy and sarcastic remarks-
It was about 10:30 ish at night, and you guys decided to watch the women in black 2. (Pirated online and streamed on the tv lol) you got scared as you snuggled into James' side, with his hand on your waist every now and again kisses on ur head. You jumped in fear of the movie again, "I'll protect you Cara, your knight in shining skinny jeans is here," you just giggled and started kissing each other, your hands got entangled in his hair while his hands just roamed your body. Popcorn was suddenly thrown at you two. "You do know we are still here" Charlie said you just went back to the kiss and every now and again, popcorn thrown at you guys with a small remark about too much PDA. It was about 4 am by the time your movie secession was done. "I should probably get going" you said in a groggy voice. " no, you should just stay the night, it's way toaye to go now, just stay in my bunk with me" James whisper yelled. "But I don't have anything to wear and-" you were cut off my a short but sweet kiss from James and a hand on your thigh. He got up and drapped all of the blanket over you, "wait here for a sec", he walked over to his closet and tossed you a pair of sweats and large tee. "Put these on" you walked over the bathroom to change. You came walking Back out to most of the boys asleep on there beds asleep but some on the floor, but James was on his phone. You climbed into bed , laying on James' chest, "you look cute in my clothes" "aww thanks babe, goodnight" "I love you" James said "I love you too" you replied but you thought after, I am so lucky to have him, "aww I'm lucky to have you too babe" I guess I was thinking out loud, you didn't know but Reece was video tapping you guys talking and you could hear the conversation perfectly on it, as you found it on Instagram the next day. With the caption "too much PDA sometimes, but no one can deny they're a cute couple #jamesandcaraforeverandalways". As that was now a world trend

-Sorry that sucked ass
Hope you enjoyed it tho Cara
-Adrianna ✌️

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