James Imagine for @skfan97

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Hope you like it! Dedicated to skfan97
-Adrianna ✌️

" BLUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHH" was the noise you made into the toilet this morning for about the 3rd time. You and James have had sex before but nothing's ever happened before because your on the pill.

Once it hit about 12 or 1 'o clock you felt much better. So you told your best friend Adrianna(we're best friends in this chapter, sorry) to put up some morning after pills and a test. Because you lived in the flat with the boys you, you got a lot of unwanted attention this morning and mostly because you were back to your bubbly personality so quick.

Adrianna came over and ran upstairs very quickly, and you took the test now looking at the red + sign on the test, you and Adrianna stood there in shock for a moment but then you guys hugged each other and ran into your room, but you accidentally left the test on the counter in the bathroom.

Reece ran into your room, hold the test with a tissue around it bc he knew you peed on it.
"Um bev, why is there a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom?" He asked kind of awkward
"No reason, that is -never mind it's just nothing!"
"You know you should tell James", then he walked out

You were scared Reece could never keep in a secret. Like ever.

<a few days later>

You were the first one up, throwing up of course, then u had a craving for Nutella.
Reece came downstairs that morning
"HEY! Don't take it all!" And he tried to take it from you,
" NO! I need it, I'm starving"

A new voice came downstairs,
"Would u keep it down!" It was James
"REECE WONT LET ME HAVE THE Nutella! I had it first anyway!" You said with a sassy tone

"But bev you know how Reece gets around his Nutella"
"See he even chose his band mate over his pregnant girlfriend! Ha!" Reece said and as soon as he said it, he had wide eyes like he couldn't believe he said it too.

"You're WHAT!" James yelled
"Surprise" you said in a low voice
"YES! IM GUNNA BE A DAD!" He yelled running through the house. He came running into the kitchen.
"You can call me daddy kick," James said
"Ew James we don't wanna know what bev calls you in the bedroom please hahahaa"

Hope you enjoyed it!
~ Adrianna ✌️

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