I Never Really Liked Cats

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I don't got no type, no.

Bad bitches is the only thing that I like.

I jam out to Rae Sremmurd as I try to decide between chips and pretzels. Aside from me, the snack isle of the grocery store is deserted, so I don't get any weird looks as I mutter to myself. Half of me wants the pretzels and all their salty, crunchy goodness. Too bad the other half of me wants the chips because, come on, chips are delicious. Letting out a sigh, I just throw both of them in the my cart. When in doubt, choose both.

I'm just livin' life

And let my momma tell it nigga I ain't live it right.

I start walking towards the end of the isle, when I see someone turn into the section and start walking in my direction. The figure looks slightly familiar and I squint a little, trying to make out their face. Realizing who it is, I stop short. It's the kid from the other day, Jim's son. Shit, shit, shit. I curse in my head. I really, really don't want to be anywhere near this guy with him knowing that I fucked his dad. I mean, it was bad enough that I had to go out an buy fucking Plan B since I'm pretty sure we had forgotten to use protection in our drunken state. I really don't need to interact with this guy and add to my already crappy mood over the whole ordeal. Too bad he's just getting closer and closer.

I contemplate just spinning my cart around and sprinting the fuck out of there before he can say anything to me, but decide that might look a little weird. Hoping for the best, I just duck my head to the side, trying to hide my face as he passes. Only problem is, he doesn't pass. The fucker stops right in front of me.

“Um sorry, but can I just get behind you for a second?” he asks politely. I give a quick nod before I start walking away. Good, he didn't recognize me I think as I continue walking.

“Hey,” he calls from behind me, “Aren't you that girl from the other day?” Shit, I spoke too soon. I take a deep breath, push back my shoulders and turn towards him.

“Yeah,” I say a little annoyed, “What about it?” He looks surprised by my tone at first before his features change to a look of slight annoyance. I just glare at him.

“There's no need to be rude,” he snaps. I just continue glaring at him, crossing my arms. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.

“Look, I'm not trying to be creepy or anything. I just wanted to let you know that I think you left your purse at Jim's house.” Crap. I knew there was something I had forgotten in my haste to get out of that place. I'm starting to not like this guy more than before, even if it's only because he's the bearer of bad news. But really, he calls his own dad by his first name so he's definitely weird.

“Oh, just tell your dad he can throw it away or something,” I sigh. I'm definitely not going back there and seeing that guy just to get a stupid purse.

“Jim's not my dad,” he says, his features clouded by confusion. Wait, what? Jim isn't his dad? Then why the hell was he at his house? Oh my god, Jim is probably some kind of pervert who collects people and keeps them in his house to be at his beck and call.

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