Say My Name

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*Senior Year, High School*

"What a slut."

"Dumb cunt."

"Fucking bitch."

"Dirty whore."

I walk by clumps of people here and there, head high and smirk on my face. They probably think I can't hear them whispering like a bunch of elementary school kids who just found out some poor girl's crush. On second thought, they probably do want me to hear them since the only way I couldn't, would be if I were deaf. They think they can tear me down with their words and it's so fucking hilarious because obviously I'm still a whore. As if the names they call me are gonna change that.

I meet their gazes head on. One by one, I give them a smile as if I know a secret they don't. Interestingly enough, that's not completely a lie. For example, I know that girl Brittney over there has been hooking up with her best friend's boyfriend behind the girl's back. And that dude Luke who brags about all the girls he's laid is actually a virgin, probably hasn't even had his first kiss yet. Oh, and I can't forget that Crystal is completely in love with Tyler, but he definitely is not interested. See, I make a point to make everyone else's love life my business. It makes it easier for me when choosing my next fuck buddy. Just kidding...kinda. The funniest thing is that these people actually think they can bring me down with all their stupid, bullshit gossip when in reality, I'm the one who holds their lives in the palm of my hand. I could rip their worlds wide open if I wanted to. I could just watch and laugh as the foundation of their lives crumbled around them. It would be fucking hilarious. But I refrain from fulfilling my dark desires because I'm a nice person. For now.

"Hey babe," a random guy steps into my path, stopping me in my tracks. I look him over from head to toe, tying to process if I've ever interacted with him in anyway. I quickly come to the conclusion that no, I don't know who the hell this guy is and that means he needs to get the fuck out of my way.

"Get out of my way," I snap, giving him a glare. "And don't call me 'babe.' I have a name." I side step him and keep walking.

"Aw, come on babe, don't be like that," he says with sarcastic smile. "I just wanna talk to you," he says. I roll my eyes and keep walking. I don't give a fuck what he wants. And he definitely does not wanna "just talk." I've had enough encounters with guys like him to know that what he really wants is to see if he can get laid easily. Funny how guys think that just because I'm a "whore," whatever the fuck they want to call me, means that I'm easy. I'm actually quite the opposite of that, despite my reputation.

Dude-that-hasn't-been-laid-in-ages grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him.

"Let me go," I say slowly, trying to keep my temper in check.

"But babe, I really wanna talk to you. You can't just leave me hanging," he pretend pouts. I don't know who ever told people that pouting is cute but it's not, most people just end up looking like some kind of dead catfish that's been sitting in the sun for days.

"Funny, because that's exactly what I'm going to do," I snarl. Wrenching my arm out of his grasp I continue walking, only this time I pick up the pace.

"Nuh uh, I'm not gonna let you get away that easily," he says playfully. I glance to my left and see that he has fallen in step with me and he looks like he isn't leaving anytime soon.

"Yes, you are," I turn to him quickly, taking him by surprise. "You are going to leave me alone and find some other girl to fuck because I do not offer my services to people like you."

"'People like me,' what's that supposed to mean?" He gives me what I assume is supposed to be a playful poke. "Do you mean people who are hot as fuck because if that's the case, you should definitely reconsider that idea," he smiles like he thinks he's the most hilarious person on the fucking planet. I grab the finger he just poked me with and bent it backwards, making him curse in pain.

"First of all, don't touch me," I lean in closely to him. "Second of all, you're not hot, I don't know who told you that but they obviously lied seeing how you look like a cross between a moose and a kangaroo's vagina," I smile as his face takes on a look of disbelief. "Third of all, if you call me 'babe' one more time, I will kick your ass all the way to Indonesia." I turn away from him and keep walking...until he opens his mouth again.

"Wow, you're feisty. I like it...babe." The look on his face tells me that he thinks he so bad ass for disregarding what I said. Yeah, we'll see how bad ass you feel in a second, you fucking jerk.

I spin around on my heal and get right up I his face. "What did I just tell you?" I whisper menacingly in his ear. He swallows nervously but I can tell he's trying to play it cool.

"I don't know, what did you just tell me, babe?" he asks, giving me a wink. I can't help but laugh internally because this dumb ass thinks he smart ass hell. Well, I can gladly change that.

I pounce on him, making him fall backwards onto the ground. "I. Said. Don't. Call. Me. Babe." I scream in between each punch I plant on his face. His eyes grow wide and he tries to get up.

"Get off me you psycho," he yells, trying to push me over.

"No, stay down you dumb bitch!" I scream at him, raining another round of blows on his face. By now a small group has gathered to watch the spectacle. But you know, seeing how we live in America, nobody bothers to try and pull me off the guy. Instead, they just pull out their phones and start recording. Good, now I don't have to beat everyone's ass. Dude-that-hasn't-been-laid-in-ages tries to get up again, but I just knock him down.

"Say my name," I spit in his face. He laughs a little and says nothing. I punch him again. And again. I'm getting really worked up now.

"I SAID SAY MY FUCKING NAME!" I scream at him, hitting him all over his body. He tries to block my punches, but he can't protect everywhere at once. Finally, he mumbles something.

"What?" I snarl at him. "Say it louder." He takes a deep breath and finally says the one thing that'll get me to stop mauling him like a mother grizzly bear.



So, I went into my Wattpad app the other day and saw that this story had gotten up to thirty-nine views overnight. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the fact that I recently tagged this story as "sex" but hey, I'm not gonna complain. However, I just wanna say that for those of you who may have stumbled across this story due to that tag, this story is no gonna be a super perverted sex thingy. I only tagged it as sex because the second part (Love, Sex and Alcohol) mentioned sex. Other than that kind of thing, this isn't really gonna go into detail about all of the character's sexual experiences. Sorry to disappoint anyone. Anywaaaayyyy, whether you found this story through that tag or just randomly stumbled upon it, thanks for reading and getting this story to thirty-nine views! That may not seem like a lot to some people but hey, I'm new here so cut me some slack :P Also, that is pretty much the largest number of people who have ever read my writing, so I'm allowed to freak out a little XD Have a good day and I hope you enjoyed the story so far. Keep reading and don't forget to vote and comment, I love comments. Also, if you're in the mood, you can take your finger (If you're in the app) or your mouse (If you're on the computer) and hit that lovely follow button. Guess what? Now you can stay up to date on me and all my future work....but mostly me. Haha, just kidding. Gosh, isn't that follow button just like magic?! Okeeeee, I'm just gonna stop talking now before I scare anyone away.

Love you,

Kay <3

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